Tuesday, April 16, 2024

 What Will Your Harvest Look Like?

April 16

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.

Galatians 6:10

Before she lifted dinner, Nancy had one last errand to run. “I’m taking a plate to Dorothy. I’ll be right back; then we’ll eat!” she hollered from the kitchen and headed out the back door, across the yard to her next-door neighbor’s.

As she came through the door, Dorothy said, “Oh, hon, you didn’t have to do this. But it sure does smell wonderful! You’re just too good to me.” Tears filled her eyes.

Nancy loved to give of herself to her seventy-something neighbor. “I just figured you might be tired after doing yard work all day, and I didn’t want you to have to spend time making yourself something for dinner, too. Besides, it blesses me to see the smile on your face!” she teased as she brought the food to the table, placing it in front of Dorothy. “I’ll come back later to get the plate, so don’t fuss about it,” she spoke over her shoulder as she headed back out the door.

God could meet every need for everyone, so why doesn’t He?

Because He has chosen to exhort us to do good to all people. In essence, He’s saying, “If something is going to get done, I’d like you to do it.”

Servanthood 101 is a lesson in crop production. This classroom gives us ample opportuities to learn how to sow seed from the heart. When Paul advised the church in Galatia to do good, he was challenging them to sow good seed. He challenged them to prove a point: what goes around comes around. It’s a spiritual harvest law. As we move the focus off our self-centered nature to one of compassion, off of our me-first attitude to a this-matters-more-than-my-personal-comfort mind-set, we see this law in action.

God challenges us to do random acts of kindness on His behalf, not looking for something in return, but to bring His blessing with the understanding that He rewards His servants.


“Help me look for and see opportunities to serve others, Lord. Stretch me for Your purposes and teach me to have a servant’s heart. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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