Saturday, February 22, 2025


A Change In The Atmosphere

February 22

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb…

Luke 1:41

There was something different about Jessie. Wherever she went people took notice. It was as if the atmosphere around her was thick with goodness and joy. Always smiling and cheerful, Jessie’s presence was tangible. It wasn’t an act; she really was a cheerful person! She had reason to be otherwise if she chose.

A single mother of three, Jessie worked long hours making sure her girls had each need met. Arriving home from work, she spent time with each child, making sure they were on target at school…and in life. They shared a deep and abiding love.

Jessie’s relationship with her children was born out of her relationship with Jesus. She gave Him the credit for her ability to rise above the demands of being a single parent, especially with three teenage girls! She eagerly proclaimed that because of Jesus’ faithfulness she was able to look at each day as a blessing to be lived to the fullest instead of a sentence to be served with a fatalistic mind-set. Through continually submitting to Jesus, Jessie had learned to let goodness seep through instead of allowing her struggles to choke the life out of her and her family.

There are those who are just good people, people you enjoy being around; Jessie was good people!

When John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth’s womb it was because the Son of God was present in Mary’s womb. Jesus’ arrival was felt in the atmosphere!

God wants us, like Jessie, to affect the atmosphere by bringing a spiritually-charged tangibility with us wherever we go; to our workplace, the grocery store, our schools…everywhere we find ourselves.

When we look to Jesus for our strength to live as victors, instead of victims presenting a defeatist attitude, He is able to change the atmosphere around us. His Spirit manifests in power in the face of adversity so that others not only take notice, but want to receive this same overcoming power.


“Lord, make me an atmosphere changer for You! Teach me to rely so completely on You that life no longer drags me down. Come near so that Your presence is detected through the life I live. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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