Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Reflecting Our Faith

February 4

…living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God…

Romans 12:1

Jake was learning to walk, and his parents, Olivia and Michael, couldn’t wait to witness those first few steps. Olivia held Jake from behind while Michael coaxed him, “C’mon Buddy!” The look on their faces showed both anticipation and anxiety. “It’s okay, Jaky, Daddy won’t let you fall; trust me,” he assured his son.

Jake took a tentative step, turned, and looked up at his mother, seeking reassurance. She smiled and echoed Michael’s words of encouragement, “Daddy won’t let you fall, Honey. Go ahead…walk to Daddy.”

Jake grinned, and letting go of Olivia’s hand, wove his way to Michael in a bobble-headed journey lasting six independent steps!

The subsequent mixture of tears and jubilation startled Jake, causing him to respond in confusion and tears. Michael lifted him to eye-level and smiled, saying, “Sorry, Jake. We didn’t mean to startle you. Everything’s okay,” Michael said, and tossed Jake into the air and caught him. This was one of Jake’s favorite things; his tears instantly turned to giggling and laughter. Michael stood him on the floor and said, “Mommy and I are so proud of you!”

“You’re such a big boy, Jake! You walked so far! And Daddy didn’t let you fall,” Olivia added, emphasizing the didn’t let you fall so Jake could make the connection between his fear, and learning to trust.

Paul’s letter to the Romans is a guide to Christian living; the learning curve between our faith and trust…and God’s ability to handle us with care. Paul invites us to live through the power of the Holy Spirit for Christ through faith.

Faith expresses itself through obedience; it always reflects what’s hidden inside. In our Spiritual infancy, we, like children learning to walk, are hesitant; we must assess the risk before submitting ourselves to Someone with which we have no history. We guard each step until we find we are on solid ground.

As we mature we learn to trust unreservedly. And once in true relationship, our lives become pleasing and holy, reflecting our faith.


“Lord Jesus, help me become a living sacrifice that others might see You though me. Guide and protect me as I renew the way I think about my life, lived for Your glory. Amen.”

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