Wednesday, February 26, 2025


If You Get There Before Me

February 26

For God so loved the world…

John 3:16

Mitch and Daryl had been best friends since second grade. If you saw one…you saw them both. So it wasn’t a surprise when Daryl shared some words at Mitch’s funeral…“Mitch and I shared life; hunting, fishing, girlfriend choices…I could tell Mitch anything without fear of ridicule. He was my best friend.” Daryl smiled a lonely smile, “I think we probably only get one of those in a lifetime.

“Mitch and I had an agreement. Whoever got to Heaven first is supposed to ask God some questions on the other’s behalf. What Mitch wanted me to ask God isn’t important today. He’s got his answers. But what he wanted me to ask you is; are there any of you who don’t know Jesus? If you don’t, we invite you to get to know Him. You see, as much as I’d like to think I was Mitch’s best friend…that’s not true; second best would be more accurate. Jesus was Mitch’s best friend…and He wants to be yours too. He’ll give you something no earthly friend can ever give you…life everlasting!”

He surveyed the crowd, and smiled confidently, “I do know what Mitch is asking God right at this moment. You see…we both agreed to ask God to use the one left behind at the other’s funeral to bring salvation to those who don’t know Him. Friends…this life is short…and once we die our choice is sealed. If you haven’t made that decision, let it be today.”

Is today the day that you or someone close to you will die? No one knows.

If Jesus is not your Savior, I invite you to ask Him into your heart right now.

If you’ve already accepted Him as Savior, and you know someone who hasn’t…go talk to them; make a phone call; write a letter or email; say a prayer for them…but don’t let the sun set without taking action.

Don’t wait until someone is speaking a eulogy over a coffin…because then it will be too late.


“Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, sent to die for my sin. Forgive those sins, and come into my heart today. Take control of my life and lead me into eternal life. Amen”

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