Catch The Wind
February 23
As you do not know the path of the wind…so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.
Ecclesiastes 11:5
Meg held the dandelion in her tiny hand, took a deep breath, and gently launched the hundreds of seeds skyward. “Look, Mummy!” she squealed with delight. “Look at em go!” Meg was mesmerized as she watched the dandelion disintegrate, its individual seeds scattered to the wind; such an integral part of the flower’s reproduction through dispersal.
Meg’s joy wasn’t exactly anchored in the procreation of the little wildflower, she sensed a bit of mystery in the way the seeds gave way to her gentle breath, floating as if weightless, to destinations unknown.
Reaching down, separating stem from root, Meg smiled as she twirled another dandelion between her fingers and gently blew. She giggled as the flower exploded, its seeds wafting away on the gentle breeze, followed by the inevitable questions: “Where do they go, Mummy? Is it far away? What happens when they get there?” And finally, “Why did God make em so fuzzy, Mummy?”
“Well, Meg,” her Mum explained, “they go wherever the wind carries em…it could be far away, indeed! As far as ‘What will they do?’ They’ll set down roots and become new dandelions.” She thought for a moment, and then answered the remaining question, “God made them fuzzy so they can catch the wind, Meg.”
God has a perfect plan for our lives. And if we allow Him, He will direct our path. The catch is that His work in our lives tends to be a mystery to us. Not knowing what will happen, or where we will end up, can be intimidating. Without experiential faith we generally avoid change, even knowing it’s God who beckons.
The Maker of the Wind will not forcefully blow us about, instead, He sends the Gentle Wind of the Holy Spirit to guide us to our life’s destination.
By raising our hands to Heaven, giving Him permission to influence our flight path, we become like the fuzzy dandelion seed, catching God’s Wind and floating toward His divine plan.
“Blow me to where I’m supposed to be, Lord. Complete Your work in and through me as I faithfully submit to Your plan for my life. Amen.”
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