Saturday, February 1, 2025


In His Sight

February 1

The eyes of the LORD are everywhere…

Proverbs 15:3

Shane crossed the finish line in second place; his best finish at this level! Runner-up at the premier event of the year in track and field was quite a feat; and he’d run a personal best to do it!

As he watched reporters gather-round the winner he felt a momentary twinge of jealousy. Second place is the first loser! ran through his mind. Just as quickly he felt God say, “You are not a loser! I know the truth! I saw what you did! You ran with your whole heart; you left nothing in reserve. Do not let the enemy steal your joy! Stand firm in your accomplishment and do not surrender to your flesh.”

A smile dawned, spreading until it covered his face. Shane raised his hands in triumph, index fingers toward Heaven in a victory declaration. A few watching responded with applause. Their response became contagious. Focus shifted from the first-place interview to what was now a full-fledged celebration! Shane had dropped to his knees, giving thanks to God for his athletic abilities.

Several reporters, so taken by his candid display of emotion, approached and asked the reason for his celebration, alleging, “How can you be satisfied with second place when you were so close to winning?”

Shane looked from one reporter to the other as he answered, “That’s what’s so great! I have never run a race so perfectly, and been so close! Watching him dig deep to beat me means I brought out the best in him too! What a wonderful feeling to know we both gave our all!”

Competition is meant to be healthy. To give our all is the most any of us can ever hope for, and order of finish should never be placed above personal accomplishment; only misguided ignorance rates placement above performance. Great effort is to be commended.

As God continually watches over each of us, He sees the good, the bad, everything we do, yet loves us unconditionally. We should remain conscious of His observation, conduct ourselves accordingly, and remember; He knows when we give our best.


“I forget that You’re watching sometimes, LORD. May You always find what I’m doing as pleasing in Your sight. Amen.”

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