Friday, January 31, 2025


Shaken Into The Unshakable

January 31

These have come so that your faith—may be proved genuine.

1Peter 1:7

It had been two years since Lawrence and Kimberly had said goodbye to their six year-old son in the local ER following a freak accident. Hoses and lines still attached, they had been given a few minutes before their son’s lifeless body was transferred to the morgue for an autopsy.

Ayden had somehow slipped into the narrow space between the cargo net and decking of their jungle gym—an expansion zone set up to allow movement—his head had become lodged, resulting in suffocation.

Life had slowly resumed, they had moved past the deepest heartache and had found some semblance of normalcy; life had prevailed. Thinking back on the tragic event, Lawrence admitted to a time of blaming God for Ayden’s death. But anger over the loss of a child is no stranger to blame. God certainly understood. Lawrence also had to admit, had it not been for his faith having been tested and shaken time and again prior to his son’s death, he might have walked away from God.

But God had remained close through it all. He assured them through the details of life that He was ever-present. The two years had strengthened their faith and relationships. He and Kimberly were excited about their current situation; Kimberly was pregnant!

Our faith will be tested; and in many cases shaken. But that shaking causes a process by which our faith becomes unshakable. There are physical rewards for those who lift weights and work out; their muscles gain strength and endurance. Their hearts grow stronger and will tolerate more stress.

The same principles hold true in spiritual application. Perseverance in the midst of spiritual trials builds spiritual muscle and endurance! If we continue to persevere our strength and understanding become solid and unshakable and our hearts will tolerate more emotional stress.

It is impossible to experience trials without having our faith tested and shaken. By placing our hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the shaking will produce a faith that’s unshakable.


“Your word says these trials are for my development, LORD, but sometimes it hurts more than words can explain. In those times hold me close, LORD; carry me through to the other side. Amen.”

Thursday, January 30, 2025


Why Bother?

January 30

How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!

Hebrews 12:9

Elgin was screaming at God, “Why should I even bother?! I get it right nine out of ten times, then boom! my life comes crashing down because of one bad choice. What’s up with that?!” After a long silent pause he raised his head…and his voice, “You never answer when I ask the tough questions!”

The truth was Elgin already knew the answer. He knew what he was doing when he’d made that one wrong choice. He just didn’t like experiencing the after-the-fact consequences of giving-in to temptation.

In the next breath he screamed, “Yes! I knew it was wrong! So why didn’t You stop me?!” He also knew the answer to that one, “Yeah, yeah…free-will,” he muttered and slouched back on the couch. “I get so tired of being free. I always manage to screw it up. Why bother?” Now self-pity had set in. This was a recurring scenario: fight the good fight for awhile…experience closeness to God; get complacent…stop asking for God’s assistance…get tired of fighting and give in; suffer consequences and blame God, asking stupid questions like why bother?

Being holy isn’t easy. Most of our yielding to temptation stems from our inability to determine reality from counterfeit. Satan is all about counterfeiting God’s promises.

God says, “There is a reason to resist temptation; sin will ruin your life. Through the power of My Holy Spirit you can be delivered from sin’s temptation.”

Satan counters, “It’s foolish to resist! You’re destined to fail! God’s promise is a lie! Why bother?”

The tug-of-war between our conscience and free-will can be wild and violent until it’s brought under control. Undisciplined, our heart says, I want what I want, and I want it now! The lack of spiritual discipline creates self-will run amok; in the end we reap turmoil.

The more we actively resist temptation, looking to God for strength, the more peace and confidence reign in our hearts.

Until we submit to the Father, allowing Him to make His vision of us a reality, we will continually settle for the counterfeit.


“I submit my spirit to Yours, LORD. Discipline me when I need it and teach me how to share in Your holiness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Choose Wisely

January 29

But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…

Joshua 24:15

Jane was tired of always having to be sure she made the right choice. How can I possibly hope to do the right thing every time?!

Talking to a friend about her plight, she asked, “There’s so much that appears to be okay on the surface, yet once you peel away the outer layer it’s not what it seems. How do you keep from making the wrong choices, Connie?”

Connie smiled, “I don’t.”

Seeing Jane’s amazement she qualified her statement, “It’s not that I don’t try to make the right decision; I do, but we all make mistakes. I’m no different than you.”

Jane posed an incomplete question, “So…?”

Sensing the direction Jane was heading she asked, “Do you mean, how do I know if I’m doing the right thing?” Getting a nod she formed her response carefully, “First, I ask God for His thoughts on the matter when time allows. He always gives me good advice. Split-second decisions I trust to the Holy Spirit’s ability to give me discernment; if it doesn’t feel right, I don’t do it. But here’s my litmus test: Ultimately, God gives me the right to choose for myself, so I ask, ‘How will what I do affect my relationship with Jesus?’ and immediately I am faced with the truth. It’s the best spiritual barometer I’ve ever encountered.”

God gave us free will for a reason. He knows what perfect love is. He understands it cannot be forced upon anyone; we must choose to love. For this reason He did not create automatons with their receivers transfixed to an exclusive frequency; we have options.

And the choices we make will determine whether we experience joy or sorrow.

When Joshua wrote today’s text he meant exactly what he said, It’s our choice.

Bringing our will under control is our responsibility. That is why it’s called choosing.

Our will…Our choice. God will not intervene. Choose wisely.


“LORD, rid me of myself; I belong to You. I want to obey You alone. Show me what is right when I’m confused and encourage me as I bring my will under control by submitting to Yours. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Rose-Colored Glasses

January 28

This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. 

Romans 3:22

Tim had worn rose-colored glasses as long as Bruce had known him. Curiously, Bruce had never wondered why. Today, however, Bruce noticed Tim squinting in the bright sunlight, and jokingly ventured, “You mean to tell me your rose-colored glasses don’t filter out the brightness of the sun?!”

“On the contrary,” Tim replied as if he hadn’t noticed Bruce’s derogatory inference, “the sun intensifies their clarifying effect by magnifying visual definition. Everything becomes brighter, more vivid, and well-defined in the sunshine. So much so I have to squint.” Tim went on to explain, “I actually wear them to increase my visual acuity.”

Bruce didn’t know whether Tim was pulling his leg or not, “Yeah, right!” he said.

Tim, in all seriousness, continued, “Believe what you want. They help me see more of what’s going on.”

“You can’t be serious?!” Bruce asked incredulously.

“Completely,” Tim said offhandedly. “As a matter of fact,” he went on, “my so-called rose-colored glasses improve the view. When wearing them I am able to see a greater number of objects within my filed of view. The enhancement causes me to see things in a more positive light.”

Bruce, not wanting to appear ignorant, and conceding in his own mind that what Tim was saying was possible, decided to let the matter drop.

Calvary’s sacrifice is the only thing that enables God to look at us without our incurring His wrath and judgment for a debt we owe. Because of the sacrificial blood of Jesus, when God looks at us He sees that debt paid in full, and, in essence sees us through rose-colored glasses.

Even though we have failed, He doesn’t see imperfect sinners, He sees the redemption of the cross. His vision is exponentially enhanced so He is able to view us in a positive light. Through Jesus, God sees in us the brightness of His Son!


“I lay claim to the cross of Calvary, LORD God, and thank You for the blood of Jesus Christ that allows You to see me in the perfect form I was created. Amen.”

Monday, January 27, 2025


36 Hours

January 27

The tongue has the power of life and death…

Proverbs 18:21

Greg was frustrated with his physician’s apparent insensitivity to his chronic health issues. Motivated by the discomfort he’d been experiencing for over two months he said, “I wish he could experience what I've been going through for just 36 hours, Lord! Then, maybe he’d have a little empathy!”

Seeking distraction, Greg decided to mow the lawn and get in a quick work out. With the two tasks complete, he headed for the shower. As he rinsed his hair some water got in his ear. Greg shook his head to clear it. The results of that little act were devastating! Immediately he became disoriented, unable to stand without support. His eyesight diminished and his breathing became labored. He struggled to rinse off; getting dried and into his clothes left him completely exhausted. His symptoms worsened with each passing moment, and by the time he reached the living room he believed he was having a stroke.

Stumbling to the phone, he called his wife. When she and her sister (an LPN) arrived, Greg was sitting on the couch, sweating profusely, unable to raise his arms or legs. His face was getting numb on the right side, and his speech was slurred. They dialed 911.

Three hours later, the ER Doctor diagnosed Greg: “You've had a severe vestibular inner-ear event. It is a disorder that can strike the nervous system as well, for unknown reasons, causing multiple symptoms. A cascading effect from pressure in your inner ear affected your Vagus nerve, which in turn began shutting down parts of your nervous system.”

Greg was released, yet experienced diminished symptoms until he awakened on Sunday morning. It was then he realized the event lasted about 36 hours. Greg heard God say, “Your words carry power. Be careful with them.”

Did God give Satan permission to show Greg the error of his ways? One thing is for sure, whether the enemy asked or not, God allowed it to happen.

Greg spoke out of frustration, and perhaps he had good reason, yet his words were not without effect. Everything we say aloud can be heard by Satan and his minions, and whether we believe it or not they act on that knowledge. Even in our deepest frustration, to ask God to inflict misery on another is foolish.

Our words can be soothing and edifying. Or, they can bring devastation on a scale we have not yet imagined.


“Help me be conscious of what I say. Lord. Make me aware of the power of spoken words. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Sunday, January 26, 2025


Concentrated Cleansing

January 26

Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined!

Isaiah 6:5

Meghan was in court for her third DUI in less than two years. She had previously attended drunk-driver’s school, spent a weekend in jail, and lost her driver’s license for six months. The vehicle she might now lose already had a yellow license plate—Ohio’s way of notifying other drivers there was a convicted DUI offender on the road with them—and now faced a possible ten year license suspension with a maximum one year jail sentence.

“How does your client wish to plead, counselor?” the judge asked.

“No contest, Your Honor,” the young woman answered. “But if it pleases the Court,” she petitioned, “my client wishes to say a few words.”

Receiving an affirmative nod from the judge, Meghan stood, and spoke just above a whisper, “I am truly sorry for my actions, Your Honor. What I’ve done is not only illegal…it was wrong…and though I deserve the full penalty sentencing will allow, I ask the Court for leniency. Whatever you decide I will accept. Thank you for this opportunity to speak.” She continued standing, awaiting her sentence.

When asked by the judge, “Have you learned your lesson?” Meghan could only reply, “I hope so, Your Honor. But having thought the last time was the last time, I don’t know.”

Meghan was given the maximum sentence allowed by law.

What an image of how sin destroys our lives and what we can expect when our recurring sinful behavior catches up with us. When Satan finds the crack in our armor he exploits it with the fervency of what he is: a demon possessed, and destroys with pin-point accuracy.

We, like Isaiah, must be convicted in our hearts of the destructive nature of sin in our lives, and the effect it has on those who love us. Until that happens we will continue this cycle of insanity where we continue doing the same thing, expecting different results.

When true understanding comes we will cry out for cleansing. We too, must ask God to bring the coals of His concentrated cleansing.


“I find no rest from this sin, Lord. And I admit that I’ve held on to it by my own choosing. Right now I submit myself to Your concentrated cleansing. Please burn this sin from my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Saturday, January 25, 2025


Burnt Bridges

January 25

A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor.

Proverbs 11:12

Rich and Mahlon were pranksters. They loved nothing more than setting up elaborate schemes to surprise people. The problem was they had never seen a need to set boundaries. And because of the lengths they went to to pull off their elaborate plans many people ended up more than a little surprised.

Being targeted by these two never ended well for the object of their intentions. As a result, people tired of their childish behavior. Eventually Rich and Mahlon managed to alienate everyone who knew them.

Unfortunately, their escapades had not gone unnoticed by their employer, and one day both men were called to the plant foreman’s office. The plant owner no longer wanted them on the payroll as they represented an insurance risk, so he had told the plant foreman to terminate them.

Unable to secure employment anywhere in the small town, they were forced to seek work in the neighboring towns. Every business where they applied took their applications but the two men never received a call-back; their reputations had preceded them. No one was willing to hire the troublemakers.

Out of money, and no place to work, they pulled stakes and headed for the Metro area in hopes of landing a job. News filtered back of how they had ended up homeless for a time before finding gainful employment. Sadly, further news reached their hometown that once re-employed the two men rekindled their destructive antics.

The troublemakers of the world see themselves as entertainers. However, they are their own audience. When our actions are based in self-satisfying behavior, with total disregard for the feelings or welfare others, coupled with no sense of remorse, we will burn our bridges behind us.

Proverbs warns that this kind of behavior will end badly for those who carelessly revile their neighbor. In time their habits of misguided adventure will backfire, ruining any hope of a productive and rewarding life.

Treating people with contempt will not win friends. If we wish to be treated with consideration and kindness we must do likewise at every opportunity.


“Lord, help me be kind and considerate of others. Not only because I wish to be treated the same, but because it’s the right thing to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Friday, January 24, 2025


Death Is a Comma,

January 24

We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For…what is unseen is eternal.

2Corinthians 4:18

The widow smiled warmly as each guest passed by and paid their respects. In return, they embraced her with a tender hug and heart-felt condolences. She and her husband had been generous with their time; their home had always been open. They humbly practiced hospitality.

The guests gathered in small groups, reminiscing and reliving fond memories of times spent with this couple. They lingered, keeping the memories alive.

Near the end of calling hours the widow asked if the guests would mind having a seat so she could address them. They willingly complied.

“I thank you for your outpouring of love and support. Don and I have been blessed by knowing each of you.” Hankies were pulled from purses and back pockets alike as she continued, “You have shared our lives, and we are richer for it. Today is not a day of mourning but a celebration of Don’s transition from his temporal bondage,” she touched the body in the casket, indicating Don’s mortal body, “and into the unfathomable eternity Jesus promises all who call on His Name!

“I will be reunited with Don in just awhile. You see,” her smiled broadened in advance of her next statement; “Death is not a period. It is a comma! So don’t weep for me. Instead, embrace the One Who saves us from our sin.”

We are here but for a short while, and then gone from this life. Yet that is not the end, but merely a transition to our eternal home. The choice we make here will determine our eternal destination.

For Christians, the moment of death is followed by a forever of great rewards. We will be healed of our suffering, and released from life’s struggles in the presence of the One Who gave His life for our sin!

For those who reject Jesus’, their last breath here will be followed by unending torment as they realize the error of their indifference.

The unseen is forever. Choose as if your life depends on it; because it does.


“Lord Jesus, help me fix my eyes on the unseen glory of eternity. May my last breath on earth be followed by my first breath in Heaven. Amen.”

Thursday, January 23, 2025



January 23

Jesus would not entrust himself to them…for he knew what was in man.

John 2.23

Ben and Kurt were childhood friends. There friendship had stood the test of sixteen years of disagreements and reconciliations; until the day Kurt betrayed Ben’s trust when he learned Ben liked Melodie Wilson.

Ben confided to Kurt that he would like to date Melodie and asked Kurt if he would test the waters for him, so to speak. He prefaced this favor with the condition that Kurt not talk to her directly. Instead, he asked Kurt to talk to her friends to see if Melodie had ever mentioned him in conversation; and more importantly, if she liked him.

Teenage boys are likely to discard every other relationship in lieu of their first love. And that’s exactly what happened, because Kurt himself was smitten by Melodie. In the blink of an eye Ben got kicked to the curb. Kurt began spreading rumors about Ben amongst Melodie’s friends. He even lied to Melodie, telling her that Ben only wanted to get her into bed. He, on the other hand, declared his honorable intentions.

In the end, neither won her heart.

Sadly, Ben and Kurt went their separate ways, a life-long relationship abandoned because Kurt’s impetuous heart wanted what it wanted, and Ben couldn’t find it in his heart to forgive the pain of betrayal.

In all trust there is the possibility of betrayal. Once betrayed, the heart rejects immediate forgiveness. Instead, it becomes wary of everyone and everything. If left unforgiven the rift will widen, and a spirit of cynicism will plant seeds of doubt until they grow into a lifestyle of suspicion, that influences every thought.

Nothing and no one is exempt from its vile destruction. The heart will protect itself at all costs; you will never get close enough to hurt me again! In a doubt-ridden mind, trust and forgiveness are not open for discussion.

Jesus, knowing what is within man, is never cynical. He perfectly understands our nature, and what He can do for us. He openly invites us to trust in Him without the possibility of betrayal or abandonment.


“I’ve been wounded many times, Lord Jesus. And sometimes it’s even been by friends. But I come today, trusting You to bring healing instead of betrayal or abandonment. Amen.”

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Unthinkable Healing

January 22

Praise the LORD…who forgives all your sins.

Psalm 103:2, 3

The woman at the door was a stranger. “This may seem strange,” she began, “but God sent me here to share with you. May I come in?”

The sense of peace and trust that accompanied the request caused Debbie to open the door, admitting her unexpected visitor.

“My name is Esther,” the woman continued, “God has sent me to you as a messenger of forgiveness. He wants you to know He is extending forgiveness to you.”

But how could God forgive what I’ve done?! Debbie wondered, silently fearing this stranger somehow knew her secret.

As if reading her thoughts, Esther said, “He wants to forgive what you believe is unforgivable.”

She knows! Debbie’s heart screamed. But how?!

“God knows the regret and pain you live with,” Esther said. Then taking Debbie’s hand, she softly said, “What you’ve done is not unforgivable.”

“God can’t forgive what I did?!” Debbie blurted through unbidden sobs. “I took the life of an innocent child!”

“And not a day has gone by that He hasn’t waited for you to bring Him your wounded heart for healing,” Esther said with assurance. “Believe me…I know,” Esther whispered through tears of her own. “I know because He forgave me for having an abortion three years ago. He sent me here today as witness to His great mercy.”

How could a holy God forgive abortion?!” our wounded hearts contend. We can’t perceive that God could, or would forgive abortion because in-and-of-ourselves there is nothing we can do to atone for the wrong that was done. But we are not God! And He alone forgives sin…all sin, when we repent.

Yes, abortion is a horrific act. Yet it is no greater than any other, because all sin separates us from God. It is we who categorize our transgressions, not God. His desire is that we come to understand that holiness means hatred of all sin, and if He forgives any sin, He forgives the sin of abortion.

He is waiting for us to bring all our sin before Him in repentance, asking that He cast it as far as the east is from the west. See vs.12


“I feel unforgivable, LORD. But Your word says You heal all sin in repentance. I don’t fully understand, but I come right now, asking for Your mercy and grace to cover my sin. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Lay The Foundation!

January 21

By the grace God has given me, I have laid a foundation…

1Corinthians 3:10

The Pastor shared a story from his childhood. His father, who at the time was well-known, and was experiencing tremendous growth in his church. Through prayer, he felt led to begin receiving offerings to build a larger facility to accommodate this welcomed growth. 

“One day my Daddy was approached by a friend who asked how the building fund was coming. 

‘Well,’ Daddy replied, ‘we have $20 thousand so far. It’s a good start, but we need a lot more before we begin breaking ground.’ 

Daddy’s friend responded, ‘$20 thousand sounds like enough for the foundation. Why not put action behind your faith? Lay the foundation, and see what God does!’ 

And that is exactly what they did! They broke ground, poured the footers, and began to lay block. 

Over the next several weeks Daddy was humbled by the giving of his parishioners. That building fund continued to grow and remained sufficient to meet each need as it was presented. 

In just four months construction was completed; ahead of schedule, with the new building completely paid for! The week they moved into that new building my Daddy preached about putting actions behind your faith. He ended his message by reminding them of a fundamental truth they had been witness to, “When God sees your faith in action extraordinary things begin to happen!’”

Many times God will not reveal His intentions until we take a step toward Him. He knows our faith is strengthened exponentially when it’s put to the test. When we act in faith we can expect Him to reciprocate, not because He is beholden to us, but because He loves us and is more than willing to reward our trust.

This extraordinary response from Heaven to acts of faith is available to anyone willing to risk their future to a God, Who, time and time again, has been proven faithful.

We each have a choice. We can limit ourselves with excuses or we can experience unparalleled growth through grace by putting actions to our faith. He only asks us to lay the foundation.


“Teach me to activate my faith, Lord. Help me trust that You’ll be there to meet me as I take each step. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Monday, January 20, 2025


No, All Roads Don’t Lead To Heaven

January 20

and narrow the road that leads to life…

Matthew 7:14

Approaching Columbus, Trent posed the question to Alisha, “So, should I take I-270 or I-71?” He wasn’t so much seeking her opinion as he was trying to transfer responsibility for possibly ending up in a traffic jam. If he could get her to make the decision, she’d become responsible for the outcome!

“Oh no you don’t!” she said. This wasn’t her first go-round with her husband’s you choose and let me off the hook ploy.

Trent lamented, “270’s always under construction. But 71 narrows to only four lanes downtown. Traffic usually slows to a creep this time of day.”

Alisha decided to take the high road, “I saw on the news last night that there are several detours on 270.We may not be able to get back on 71 and we’d have to backtrack.”

“Are you saying I should stay on 71?” he baited her again.

“I’m saying…whatever you decide, I’ll endure...but if we stay on 71 we’ll eventually get where we’re supposed to be,” she finished diplomatically.

“71 it is!” Trent exclaimed triumphantly.

Fortunately, traffic was light and they didn’t lose any time, “I’m glad I made the right decision,” he crowed, stealing a glance at his wife. The look on her face said, I nothing, mister! but she graciously remained silent.

If you look at a map of the Continental United States you readily see that all roads do not lead to the same destination. As a matter of fact, there are few exceptions where you can deviate from your original route and still reach your intended destination without some major backtracking.

Many preach: “We’re all headed for the same place, just taking different routes.” This is simply not true, and leaving the path that leads to our eternal home is dangerous; we may not make it back. Detours hold pain and suffering. And, if we survive, we can choose to correct our path. Unfortunately, many never make it back.

Heaven is accessible only through Jesus Christ. There is no other road that serves as His substitute.


“Help me be narrow-minded when it comes to the road I travel, Lord. Keep me on the straight and narrow path that leads to Heaven. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Sunday, January 19, 2025


Letters From Heaven

January 19

…you are a letter from Christ…written not with ink but in the Spirit of the living God...

2Corinthians 3:3

They had just wrapped up the Sunday School lesson on being a good witness for Jesus, when one adult rose, and exited the classroom. A murmur immediately spread throughout the class, and one statement was heard above the rest: “Must have felt convicted!”

The teacher, knowing why the man had left, let the murmuring continue for a minute and then called the class to silence, “I asked John to leave the class without interruption, and without explaining himself.”

The class looked to each other with puzzled expressions. With no answer forthcoming, the teacher continued, “Uncomfortable as this is, it is a valuable lesson for us all. I don’t care who made what statements. I did this as an example of how we sometimes give false witness.

“There is always someone standing on the sidelines waiting to judge Christianity by its mistakes. The murmuring that followed John’s departure is a form of gossip. Several of us defamed John’s character unjustly. If a non-believer had been present they would have heard the family of God criticizing one of their own.” He paused. Scanning each face, not wanting to single anyone out, yet not giving them room to escape the true conviction that had entered the room.

In closing, he simply stated, “We are each letters from Heaven, written in the Spirit of the living God. How would you like yours to read?”

It’s been said that many Christians are the only Bible some people will ever read. If that’s the case, what are those who are reading us getting from the Bible? Do we draw them toward a relationship with Jesus Christ, or do we confirm the cynicism of those who see Christianity as a hypocrites’ religion?

Paul took responsibility for his witness. He also challenged those he was responsible for to witness well.

When we witness poorly it reflects not only on our walk with the Lord, it puts a black eye on the Source of our faith. We must be mindful of the statement we are making.


“May the pages of my book be considerate and encouraging, Lord, drawing people into relationship with You, instead of driving them away. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Saturday, January 18, 2025



January 18

Therefore…in my absence…it is God who works in you…

Philippians 2:12, 13

Sober for eight months, Dale was thankful for God bringing Glen into his life. Through Glen’s mentoring, Dale had found the strength to say ‘no’ when tempted to run from his problems by drinking. Instead, he had learned to face each day, meeting his problems head-on.

Glen had also introduced Dale to Jesus. He was adamant about telling Dale, “Look, I’m not always going to be around. But that’s okay, because God is the One you need to trust for your sobriety anyway. So, in my absence, look to Him for help. Remember, it’s not you, but God in you that makes the difference.”

Glen was away on business, so today was the first time Glen’s instruction would be put to the test. Dale would be in close proximity to alcohol because of his job, and knew it would test his resolve. It was one thing to resist temptation when Glen was around…quite another when he was on his own, with no one but God watching. But he was determined to trust God for the outcome.

All day long when temptation surfaced, Dale quietly proclaimed, “Not me, but God in me.” And that night, when he laid his head on his pillow, he did it sober.

When we attempt to battle sin, in any form, in our own strength, we will eventually lose the battle. When that happens, Satan accuses, “You are hopeless, helpless, useless, and powerless. You are a failure.” Sadly, many people, due to pride and deception, never recognize Satan’s lies or learn the truth of what Glen taught Dale: that in his weakness, and Glen’s absence, Dale needed to cry out to Jesus!

Paul told the Philippians the same thing, knowing they needed to understand this truth so they could mature in Christ by surrendering their own strength in order to gain His.

The strength we need to overcome anything we struggle with is found in Jesus. When faced with temptation, cry out to Him, asking that He fight the battle.


“In my pride and denial I find it hard to admit I need anyone to fight my battles, Lord Jesus. Forgive such arrogance and pride as I move aside and let You do the fighting for me, today. Amen.”

Friday, January 17, 2025


Grace Is For Today

January 17

We urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain…now is the time for God’s favor,

2Corinthians 6:1, 2

Sharon awoke with a migraine, “Lord, I’m not sure I can do this again today…” It wasn’t as much a statement as it was a frustrated plea. Actually, it wasn’t the headache that caused her frustration. It was her four-year-old daughter, Kaylee’s medical condition that continued to wear on Sharon’s resolve.

Knowing what she needed to do, yet not really feeling like it, Sharon prayed anyway, “Lord, give me the grace to make it through this day. Help me be the right example for Kaylee. Please hold her and carry her through these last two chemo treatments. Help Don and me to be faithful in the midst of adversity, and teach Kaylee more about You today than she knew yesterday; show her Your favor. Guide our steps as well as our words, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Sharon got out of bed, took a couple Tylenol, and headed for Kaylee’s room, “Rise and shine, Kiddo!” Sharon said brightly. “Only two more treatments and you get a vacation!”

Oh, Mommy!” Kaylee said, matter-of-factly. “I told you…its no big deal. I’m a big girl; ’member?”

Grateful for her daughter’s positive outlook, Sharon smiled a mischievous smile and dove toward her daughter, knocking her backwards, onto her bed. The ensuing pillow-fight was just what they needed. And miraculously, when it was over, Sharon’s migraine was gone!

Each day we awaken to many of the same problems we had when we went to sleep the night before. But yesterday’s grace won’t cover things today; it isn’t meant to.

We are to draw anew on the favor of God each day, asking only for enough grace to navigate today.

God did not give us the promise of no adversity. He did, however, promise the grace to make it through each new day as we come to Him for solace, comfort, wisdom, and favor.

God wants to meet you where you’re at today, with exactly what you need.


“Lord, I thank you for each new day You provide. Help me look for the possibilities instead of moping around in self-designated grief. Thank You for Your favor and grace this day. I give You praise in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Giving Our All

January 16

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.

Colossians 3:23

Billy had been blessed with the skills of a natural athlete. He’d carried a .360 batting avg. throughout his college career and was an all-star shortstop. Today Billy was attending winter tryouts with the Cleveland Indians organization.
“Okay, Mitchell, let’s see you take a few!” the infield coach hollered, and hit a screaming grounder in Billy’s direction. Billy fielded the ball with little effort and threw a line-drive to the first baseman. After several similar plays the coach hit him some fly balls. With deceptive ease, Billy positioned himself under each pop fly, caught the ball, and sent it on a string to home plate. Coach told Billy to come by his office following tryouts.

When Billy knocked on the door the coach asked him to take a seat, “You know, Billy, you’re a rare one…a natural. They’re considering signing you. But I need to know something.” The coach continued, “You've got talent, Son, there’s no denying it. It comes easy to you…maybe too easy. Everyone else out there today had to give their all to make an impression. You on the other hand coasted right on through.”

Billy’s response was expected, “I gave you 110 percent today. What more do you want?”

I want more than just enough to get by. And by the way, you can’t give more than 100 percent. And if you think you gave your best today you’ll never reach your potential. Quite frankly, that’s what I’m afraid of.”

God wants our all, not just enough to get by. When we hold out, our relationships suffer; with God and everyone we encounter.

The widely-used oxymoron, “I gave 110 percent!” is, at best, a misnomer that we have the ability to give better than our best efforts at any given time. And sadly, society has adopted the mindset that when we find something worthy of our better-than-best effort, we give it!

You are 100 percent God’s creation. It’s impossible to give more than you are. But what you are is exactly what He wants; your best, no more, and no less. Do the math.


May You find in me the willingness to give You all that I am, Lord, at all times, in all things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


More Than Just A Chance

January 15

…it is appointed unto men once to die,

Hebrews 9:27 KJV

Trying to assimilate the doctor’s devastating diagnosis of stage-4 colon cancer, Jeremy had decided to speak to his pastor. Pastor Raymond Miller listened as his long-time parishioner and friend shared how he felt about it, “I never seriously thought about dying, Ray. I always figured I’d live forever.” After a pause he added, “Or that Jesus would Rapture me and the Church first.”

Jeremy spoke candidly, comfortable with this man, “I know what the Bible says, Ray. You know…the part about our appointment with death.”

Ray remained silent, knowing Jeremy would work his way through this.

“But now…” Jeremy picked back up, making an attempt at levity, “now there’s a chance I’m actually going to die!” Jeremy went silent; his crooked smile belied his true feelings.

Ray broke the silence, “Jeremy, you said that you might die from this cancer…and that’s one possibility. The truth is—that short of the Rapture—we must all face death. It’s more than just a chance, as you jokingly said, it’s a fact. But it’s also an opportunity…an opportunity to lean on God instead of trying to navigate life in our own strength. Jeremy, God wants you to be rightly-related to Him, not just saved…and to fight for life until the day He takes you home, no matter when that is.”

The human mind is wonder-filled. The scope of its full potential is unfathomable, yet it is equipped with a tremendous capacity for denial where death is involved.

Not many of us really contemplate our own death. We watch those we know and love face it, but for some reason we don’t really believe it will happen to us any time soon; if ever.

Each of us is on a collision course with death. It is imminent. We are literally unable to cheat it. With such knowledge, how can we allow our salvation and/or sanctification to remain in limbo, hanging on to the chance that our death won’t occur today?

Being rightly-related means moving toward our goal, not holding it at arms length.


“Draw me ever closer, Lord Jesus. My mind wants to deny the truth that death is more than just a chance. Help me live like I might just see Your face today. Amen.”

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

 Prepare To Be Great

January 14

Greater love has no one than this...

John 15:13

The man stood quietly, head bowed in humility, as he accepted the award for heroism. There was a sense he didn’t feel comfortable with such attention. He did, however, hold the Mayor’s gaze as the man shook his hand and spoke something private. Then, as the Mayor moved on to the next recipient, the man’s gaze returned to the floor.

As the eyes of the audience moved to watch the next person to be honored for a different act of bravery, one pair remained on the man. No one but she truly understood the act of selfless compassion that found him here today; for her life was the life he had saved.

In one blinding moment her world had exploded in twisted metal and fire. Coming upon the wreck just moments after it had happened, this quiet man had risked his life to extricate her from the wreckage of her crumpled and burning vehicle. In the process he had received third degree burns on his hands and arms yet had refused to leave her to die.

He had declined all subsequent interviews, stating he’d done nothing to warrant attention; “I only did what needed to be done.”

The same selfless attitude that caused this man to shun the accolades of his peers is the very attribute that enabled him to put another’s welfare ahead of his own. Not that he did not value his own life, but rather, was willing to disregard personal injury and risk death in the hope that he might save another.

In our day-to-day life, great love is not usually measured in the literal laying down of our lives. It is more often than not measured in our willingness to be used to meet the every-day needs of those within our sphere of influence.

Each of us has an innate desire to help others; it’s God-given. But fulfilling God’s gift through us requires participation; He never imposes His will on us…even for the sake of another.

Doing the every-day things right, unselfishly helping meet the needs of those around us, prepares our hearts and minds to be inclined to take affirmative action in a perilous situation if called upon. Be prepared.


“Help me be a selfless servant to those who need me today, Lord Jesus. Amen.”

Monday, January 13, 2025



January 13

But thanks be to God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1Corinthians 15:57

Gerald awakened with complete recollection of his dream: A soldier in uniform, he had suffered defeat at the hands of a vicious and cunning enemy. He felt shame and self-loathing for what he considered utter defeat! Crouched on one knee, one arm resting on his other knee, his helmet tucked under the other arm; he was contemplating his incompetence when Jesus showed up!

“Oh, Lord, please go away!” he exclaimed. “I am not worthy of Your presence. I cannot endure Your gaze!”

But Jesus did not retreat. Instead, He placed His hand on Gerald’s shoulder and said, “You are not defeated. You are a great warrior! You focus on this one battle. Yet, you have won many victories in My service!”

“But Lord…” Gerald said, “It was such a strategic battle!”

“And what valor you displayed!” Jesus proclaimed. And after a moment He questioned, “Son, did you learn from this battle?”

“Yes, Lord.” Gerald answered.

“And what did you learn?” Jesus prompted.

“Not to take the enemy’s advancements lightly!” came his impassioned response.

“And will you?” Jesus asked.

“Will I what?” Gerald asked, momentarily lost in his anger.

“Take him so lightly the next time?” Jesus asked with a smile turning up the corners of his mouth.

“No!” Gerald said with resolve.

“Then you were not defeated.” Jesus said.

He lifted Gerald to his feet, placed his helmet on his head, and declared, “I have already defeated the enemy, Gerald. Remain in Me. For in Me you are undefeatable!” And with that, Gerald had awakened with new and valuable understanding.

Satan would have us focus on failure, looking at things with a distorted perspective.

Jesus speaks a different language; one of truth and encouragement: “You can learn from each battle!”

By focusing on Jesus, and taking what we learn from each skinned knee, bump or bruise, we become more seasoned in battle, and learn to lean on His strength instead of our own. We come to understand that the only way we can lose is by giving up our will to fight.


“Lift me above my failures, Lord Jesus. Show me how to remain in You, so I don’t become distracted by the enemy. Help me become undefeatable in battle! Amen.”

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Geographical Relationships

January 12

Fathers, do not exasperate your children;

Ephesians 6:4

Kane hollered as he left the house, “I’m heading out! Don’t know when I’ll be back!” When he hadn’t returned by 11:30pm his parents weren’t too concerned. However, when his father, Blake, rose at 5:00am to find Kane still not home, he became concerned.

Three days later Kane called to let them know he was alright, and not to worry.

“It’s a little late for that,” his father growled. “Your mother and I are worried sick! Where are you?!”

“Look, Dad,” Kane responded in an impatient tone, “you never cared where I was before. You never even questioned my hollering ‘don’t know when I’ll be back’ when I left the other day! I don’t know why it should matter now! You don’t care if I come back. All you care about is what this will look like when your friends find out! You’re so wrapped up in them and your careers…you barely acknowledge Chris’ and my existence, let alone provide any evidence you care!” Kane was on the verge of an emotional meltdown, and decided to end the conversation; “I’ll call back in a couple days!” he said abruptly, and hung up.

Still holding the phone, and digesting what Kane had said, Blake had to admit much of what his son had said was true. They were totally committed to their friends and careers. And they had pursued 'those' relationships to the exclusion of their children!

It is possible to be geographically close to someone and remain light-years away in relationship.

Family, after our relationship with God, should come first. Aspirations and goals can serve as motivation if handled correctly, but to exclude our most precious relationships to attain them is destructive and wrong.

We are to model wisdom to our children, teaching them how to relate to God, their siblings, and the world. If we fail to invest in them we not only miss out on wonderful experiences, we fail to provide the tools necessary for healthy emotional and spiritual growth.


“Draw me close, Lord. Teach me to rightly relate to those You have entrusted me with. Cause me to sense when they need my attention. Give me wisdom to know how to balance my time as You would have me do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Saturday, January 11, 2025


Acquainted With His Grief

January 11

A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:

Isaiah 53:3 KJV

Caught in another lie, Jenna was trying to explain her inability to stop, “I’ve tried, Mom! But it’s like…” she paused, struggling to articulate her thoughts, “It’s like I hear myself telling another lie…like someone else has taken control of me, and I’m just a spectator.”

Her father’s comment brought the sting conviction, “It’s hard to trust you, Jenna. We struggle to believe you.”

“I know, Daddy!” Jenna said. “I honestly don’t know why I can’t stop.” Her apparent frustration told them that, at least in this case, she wasn’t lying.

Receiving divine inspiration her father asked, “Do you remember your first lie, Jenna?”

“No,” came her embarrassed reply.

“That’s because of all the lies that have followed.” He let that sink in, then continued, “Jenna, once we get used to doing something it becomes second nature. If it’s something wrong, any conviction we were intended to feel loses its desired effect. When we no longer feel sorrow for our sin we have become desensitized to its destruction. Honey, for every lie you’ve ever told, or will tell in the future, Jesus took a beating.” He saw this was a revelation, and added, “He suffered so we could gain victory over the sin in our life.”

Between sobs Jenna said, “I’m…so…sorry…Daddy!”

“Jenna, you know how you said it felt like someone else took control of you?” She nodded.

He continued, “That’s not Jesus, because Jesus wants to set you free, not watch as satan holds you in bondage. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.” came her subdued response.

Our definition of an acquaintance is someone we know; yet not intimately. We have shared no deep connection; there is no lasting bond. Within the human definition of today’s text there is no hope of defeating sin.

Only Someone truly acquainted with the sorrow of our sin has the knowledge of how to defeat it. Jesus’ acquaintance with grief is unlike ours; and so is His power to overcome!

Sin will reign in our lives until we become intimately acquainted with the sorrow and grief of the One Who can defeat it.


“Take me deep enough that I can know You intimately, Lord, then take me deeper, to where sorrow and grief conquer sin. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Friday, January 10, 2025


One Life to Love

January 10

Do not work for food that spoils…

John 6:27

Eve was dying of an unknown virus that had shut down her liver and kidneys. The doctors had said there was nothing they could do. As John stood beside her bed, he prayed that God would give him a chance to make things right.

“Lord, I’ve gravely misunderstood what it means to be a husband and father. Please…” he begged, “give me another chance with Eve. Give me the opportunity to show her what she really means to me.” His heavy heart cried, “The kids and I need her, Lord! Please?!”

John had believed his family’s financial security was the most important item on his to-do list, and he had adhered to that principle to the exclusion of Eve and his children. Right now, he wished he’d listened to Eve’s pleas to spend more time doing the truly important things that matter in a family, instead of investing all his spare time at his job. But he’d nobly given her the same response each time, “I am doing what matters most, Eve…I’m providing for our future.” Now it appeared the future was about to play a cruel joke on John’s philosophy.

Instead, God raised Eve from her sickbed, completely healed!

It’s been four years since that miracle. John still works the same job, but his work ethic has been revised. He now devotes precious time to Eve and the kids...each and every day.

God expects us to work, giving our best while on the job. He does not, however, want us to exclude relationships in the process, especially our relationship with Him. That vital connection influences the way we relate to everyone else.

John’s case is only one example of misguided ideologies, and we all make mistakes that cause relationship spoilage. God wants to remove such waste from our lives so we can experience true fulfillment.

There’s an old adage that says, “Right before you die you probably won’t say, ‘I wish I’d spent more time at the office.’” That’s pretty much how God feels about it too.


“Help me remove or change the things in my life that qualify as excessive, Lord. Show me what adjustments I need to make. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Inspired by the song, One Life To Love by Christian recording artists, 33 mile

Thursday, January 9, 2025


Time With God

January 9

With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

2Peter 3:8

Dewey set out to accomplish as much as he could on his to-do list. The truth was he was pretty sure he might only make it half way through the list before running out of time, but that wasn’t going to stop him from trying. Climbing into his car, Dewey decided to take a moment and ask God for help with the list, “Guide me today, Lord. Help me make the most of the time I’m given. Amen.”

Following the prayer, Dewey was struck by a deeper thought which prompted a deeper question, “How are we going to accomplish everything You have for us to do before Your return, Lord?”

God reminded him of Peter’s proclamation, “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” And then God said, “If you let Me help you, we can get done in one day what will take you a thousand years to do.”

Dewey contemplated God’s words as he went about carrying out the tasks God set before him that day. At the end of the day he’d completed all the tasks on the list! God had certainly maximized his efforts.

Inviting God into our day is paramount to making the most of the time we have. Scripture says we are but a vapor (James 4:14) and then we are gone; not much in light of eternity.

If we choose not to enlist God’s help we won’t have much of an impact on the world in the time we have. By asking Him to make the most of each day, using our gifting and talents, we can maximize our efforts, and God can accomplish great things through us.

Here’s how God’s math works with ‘a thousand years as one day”: one hour equals 41.66 years. One minute would be .69 of a year, or 251.85 days. One second would equal 4.2 days.

If we call on the power of Heaven we stand a much better chance of accomplishing God’s goals in our lifetime.


“Help me be a good steward of my time, LORD. Order my steps as I call on You for help. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, January 8, 2025



January 8

…whoever heeds correction is honored.

Proverbs 13:18

The festivities were over, still the majority of people lingered before taking their leave. The honored guest had been well-liked. Most everyone wanted a word with him if possible, and was willing to wait their turn regardless of the wait.

Willie had been honored after an illustrious career spanning six decades. Garth had his attention right now, “It’s funny, Uncle Will,” he said, “these people see something in you I’ve missed all these years.” He smiled and winked, “It’s not that I don’t appreciate your accomplishments…I mean, after all, you have made an impact in your field.” He chuckled, revealing his fondness for his Uncle. Then he sobered a bit and asked, “How is it you managed to rise to the pinnacle of your profession and remain there?”

The man, well past grey at the temples, looked warmly at his nephew and replied, “I’ve been accused of many things in my life, Garth. But closed-minded and unteachable are not among them.” Garth had a puzzled look, so Uncle Will cleared up his confusion, “I never stopped learning. I refused to believe I knew enough. I learned to listen, no matter who was talking, and found use in other’s experiences.” He leaned a little closer and confided, “Above all, I never rejected correction, Garth, regardless of how hard it was to endure.”

Correction can be uncomfortable. And pride has a way of convincing us that any correction is nothing more than unwanted information, something to be rejected without further consideration. And if we take the bait we fail to grow.

No one enjoys being told they were, or are wrong. But if we hold our response, and ponder long enough to assess the information provided, we often find tender morsels hidden within a bitter pill.

Accepting well-intended or even misdirected correction can be painful in the moment. But tempered with time and wisdom we can gain tremendous experience and knowledge to be used in our maturation.

We can train ourselves to dig for the truth instead of bristling; listening to everything being said, seeing it as an opportunity instead of a reproach.


“Lord, teach me to listen. Show me how to put correction to use instead of pridefully dismissing it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Reaping Death

January 7

There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death.

Proverbs 14:10

Kirk had been sent home from school for committing a “hate crime.” He had been taking part in a discussion in his Diversity Class on sexual preference and had spoken his mind concerning a pointed remark regarding homosexuality, “It is not a natural act. Sexual intimacy was created for bonding between a husband and wife with the purpose of procreation. You cannot procreate while committing this act and it is my belief that you should therefore refrain from such acts.”

Most of the class agreed with his position, yet refused to stand against those in opposition in large part because their teacher was living in an open lesbian relationship.

Kirk had been openly ridiculed by her for his “closed-minded intolerance and archaic belief system.” He was abruptly and ill-temperedly ordered from her class. She personally escorted him to the guidance counselor’s office, demanding he be punished for his narrow-mindedness. She also held that he not be allowed to return to her class until such a time as he apologized for his out-dated beliefs, and changed his perspective on sexual preference.

Uncontended sexual perversion has lead ambitious people, with self-centered objectives, to lobby society to be tolerant of their actions, regardless of how it may affect them, or society as a whole. In their zeal they have effectively silenced the moral majority.

Kirk’s beliefs are not only correct; they are the foundation for our existence.

In the beginning there was Adam and Eve; no one else. Because of their ability to procreate we are nearing 7 Billion people world-wide, not counting those who have gone before us. Had it been Adam and Steve there would be no human race.

How can we so blatantly disregard, or turn a blind eye to this obvious truth? Fear of controversy does not exclude us from our responsibility.

God will allow us, through free will, to do as we please. But He will not fail to judge us. Those who willfully participate in ungodly acts will reap their spiritual death. In love, we are to contend against these acts.


“Author of life, help us to stand against the lies of the enemy. Help us lovingly call society to accountability. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Monday, January 6, 2025


Know Criticism, Know Judgment;

No Criticism, No Judgment

January 6

Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

Matthew 7:1

Matt believed that because other people’s shortcomings were so evident to him it was his responsibility to point them out. He felt that if he objectively criticized people they would make an effort to change their behavior. And because of his perceived responsibility, Matt never hesitated to give his opinion on any given matter, at any given moment.

One day as Matt was creatively criticizing a coworker, his boss happened to be standing nearby. Hearing Matt’s openly critical analogy of his coworker’s abilities, he decided to give Matt a lesson in grace. The moment Matt finished, he walked over and said, “You know, Matt, it’s one thing to give constructive criticism when it’s asked for; quite another to indiscriminately berate a person because you believe you are doing them a favor.”

Matt was astonished that his boss didn’t seem to appreciate his actions and explained that he was only doing it so his coworker would be an asset to the company instead of a liability!

“You know, Matt, when you first started here I was warned against hiring you. But I saw potential. I believed you to be a man of integrity. If you continue berating people I might be forced to reconsider my original assessment.”

True wisdom appreciates constructive criticism. Regardless of this fact, it is still uncomfortable, and should be solicited, not offered.

It is easier to judge than look inside and change the wrong within. And for that reason we must guard against judging.

The Matts of the world fail to understand the destructive nature of their actions until they themselves are judged. Nobody appreciates a hypocrite; especially within the Church. When those outside the Church see those inside beating each other up, they want no part of it.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; Paul did not list criticism or judgment. We should make every effort to offer grace, lest we be judged.


“I thank You that You are patient with me, Lord. Help me to bear good fruit that is enticing, not spoiled remnants that repel, discourage and destroy. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Sunday, January 5, 2025


A Mother’s Love

January 5

Greater love has no one than this…

John 15:13

“Look, Pete,” Earl began. “I know that from your perspective what Barb did was wrong. I’m not saying she wasn’t. But would you allow me to speak a truth into your life about the why?”

Pete nodded his head in assent.

“Cassie and I have battled over the kids taking responsibility for things since they were old enough to understand, and most of the time we’ve been like-minded. But what took me forever to grasp and even longer to accept, is that there is a bond I don’t fully understand between my wife and our children that will cause her to sacrifice herself, and our relationship, for their sake.”

“That’s what’s so exasperating!” Pete said vehemently. “It’s like she doesn’t even care about what I think!”

Earl challenged Pete’s comment; “Now you know that’s not true, little brother! She loves you desperately. Listen, guys relate through respect and responsibility, women through emotional connection and nurture. Their children’s needs will always prevail, regardless of age or circumstance. You can’t hope to understand without supernatural intervention. So ask God to show you Barb’s heart; the depth of a love so great that she would sacrifice her own life for someone so precious to her. And then ask Him to reveal to you that she feels the same way about you in almost every other situation.”

Only a mother can truly comprehend this depth of love. Men, for the most part, are incapable of complete understanding because love is not first nature. And though our children should never be allowed to manipulate us, there are some battles we shouldn’t fight.

Men, I would suggest that you ask God for the grace to love deeper, in spite of your frustration, and seek a resolution within reason that can be reached without asserting your authority.

Mothers, I would ask that you consider your husband’s authority, and the charge God has placed on him to be the prophet and priest of his household.

Relating in grace is work. It requires us to place someone else ahead of ourselves.


“LORD, You are the Author of a love so desperate that it would forsake everything for the life of another. Help us learn to love with such conviction! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Saturday, January 4, 2025


This Man I Call ‘Dad’

January 4

“You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah said, “yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours—otherwise, it will not.

2Kings 2:10

One day as my father and I visited, I made a request, “Dad, I want a double portion of your anointing…a double portion of your Pastor/Evangelist/Teacher mantle!”

He smiled and teased, “You know that Elisha asked Elijah the same thing, right?”

Pretty sure of where this was going I said, “Yeeees…”

“You have asked a difficult thing,” he said, eyes twinkling. “Yet, if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours—otherwise, it will not!”

We both laughed. I knew there was truth in his jest, but the way he’d said it tickled me.

While driving home, I reflected on the rest of the conversation. I knew I had already received much of who Dad was. And although I didn’t realize it as it was happening, Dad had managed to pour into my life by example.

He had taught me many things; how to be a man, a good husband and father. He taught me how to use my hands, and not to be afraid to dive right in and get things done. Yet in all the things I learned from watching my father, none was more significant or vital than observing his example of how to be a Christian.

Dad taught me that Christianity is a lifestyle, not a cliché, and that a life lived unto the Lord is wrought with challenges. Watching him meet those challenges without complaining or grumbling said a lot about the character of this man I call Dad.

My father is a great man of God. He faithfully served the Lord for more than half a century. I aspire to do the same in my lifetime.

1Peter 2:21 says, “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.” Having had my Dad be that example has been a tremendous blessing, one for which I will be forever grateful. I pray that it would be true in your life as well.


“Thank You, LORD, for my father. I ask for a double portion of his anointing in my life. In Jesus’ Name I ask this, amen.”

Dedicated to my ‘Dad’, Rev. John A. Clouston

Friday, January 3, 2025


Closing the Gaps in Grace

January 3

Put to death therefore…

Colossians 3:5-10

“Don’t you get tired of being overtaken by the same sin?” Anna asked.

Brenda’s face was a mixture of offense and confusion, “How can you ask such a question?”

“Look,” Anna said quietly, “all I’m saying is if we consciously leave gaps for the enemy to exploit we’re asking for trouble. We’re supposed to put to death those things that hinder our relationship with Jesus; not entertain them.”

“I know that!” Brenda said, feeling that Anna was judging her. “But I get so tired of fighting this battle! Don’t you understand?” she asked.

“Sure I understand!” Anna said. “Persistent battles wear us down. But not long ago God showed me I was abusing His grace.”

“What do you mean?” Brenda asked.

“There were specific issues in my life I refused to completely surrender to God,” Anna admitted candidly. “I retained the right to return to them when and if I didn’t feel like fighting the battle anymore, and as a result I ended up falling into the same sin. That I was wrong to give up just because I was tired never entered my thoughts. I conveniently ignored that truth.” 

Anna let that sink in a minute, then added, “Brenda, grace becomes the enemy’s tool when we defiantly do what we want believing that as long as we repent of it later everything is okay.” Then she added gently, “When we willfully abuse grace we become like harlots, defiling ourselves and thumbing our nose at God.”

Grace has been abused to the point of becoming nothing more than a cop-out for willful immaturity.

Anna discovered the truth about grace. It is the gift of God, justification extended to those who would seek a righteous life through His Son and the Power of His Holy Spirit! He wants to awaken us to the wiles of the enemy and give us the power to overcome!

It is one thing if we are ignorant of the enemy’s attempt to veil this truth, quite another once the ignorance has been exposed. Because once exposed, we are no longer ignorant. And our rebellion can no longer be passed off as an un-informed choice.


“LORD, show me where this is true in my life and help me put it to death. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Thursday, January 2, 2025


How Has He Offended Them?

January 2

Be wise in how you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.

Colossians 4:5

“You can’t possibly believe that crap!” Gary said to his coworker, Marcia. “I mean…that entire book is a bunch of fairy tales. Grow up!” The sarcasm was unmistakable.

Marcia remained unruffled, “What makes you think that? Have you ever read it?”

“I’m not about to waste my time!” he said, yet a question appeared in his eyes.

“How can you judge what you don’t know or understand? What happened in your life to cause you to close your mind and heart to God’s message of love and salvation?” She let the ensuing silence hang, knowing God was at work. Gary turned away without giving her a response or further defaming the Bible Marcia was reading.

Two weeks passed without incident. Then Gary quietly and sincerely asked Marcia why she believed what the Bible said. The opportunity she had prayed for had been provided. For the next month Marcia spent time each day relating to Gary the life of Jesus, and the fundamental message of faith in Christ as our Savior. She explained that because of our sin, Jesus’ life and death became necessary as the atonement for the judgment God placed on Adam’s and our sin. She showed Gary pertinent scriptures, leading him to an understanding of his sin and his need to seek forgiveness.

Gary asked how he could have what she had; confessing he’d felt abandon after living through child-abuse. But now, understanding God hadn’t caused his uninvited pain, Gary realized he wanted Jesus to heal the broken parts of his life and heart..

What part of the Message, or Messenger, of the Gospel has offended the outsiders you know? What do they misunderstand and what has them refusing to believe and embrace this simple, yet life-changing truth?

Without knowing what part of God’s plan offends or repels them we have no way of speaking to the hurt or need in their lives; something that will cause them to consider God’s offer again; or for the first time.

We are to evangelize the lost. That means preparing ahead of time for divine appointments. We can’t make the most of every opportunity if we remain sideline observers. Step into the field of play; ask the question!


“LORD, give me courage and wisdom to help speak the Gospel Message clearly and without shame. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


9 to 5 Salvation

January 1

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works…

Ephesians 2:8, 9

Jimmy couldn’t quite put his finger on the source of his frustration. He felt like he’d done everything he was supposed to, yet there was a sense that the task was incomplete. In fact, that’s how he felt about a lot of spiritual matters lately.

What’s this frustration about, Lord? he silently asked. And into his wonder God spoke…“You are working in your own strength again, Jimmy. You forgot to invite Me in.”

Jimmy had been here before. As a matter of fact he’d lived a lifestyle of setting his own goals; gaining ground for the Kingdom by brute strength and personal wisdom; showing God he was capable…a worthy Christian!

You see, the enemy constantly whispered, “That’s right, Jimmy, if you can’t do it yourself you’re worthless! You have to pull your own weight! You think God intends for you to just rely on His grace? You have to earn the right to be called a Christian!”

Satan had been relentless and persistent, trying to keep Jimmy from hearing God’s encouraging whisper, “All you need to do is rest in my love, Jimmy. You neither have to, nor can you redeem yourself. I’ve taken care of that. Just show up when and where I ask you to, I’ll do the work.”

Jimmy is not alone. Many Christians suffer from the misconception that salvation is a works-oriented business…a 9 to 5 job, where we can earn our Salvation.

We must come to understand that other than accepting God’s sacrifice of His Son, and then yielding to His guidance, any work we set our mind to should be because we love the Father and want to please Him, not because we must, or can earn a place in His Kingdom.

Ask yourself: Will what I do bring glory to God, or to me? If it’s me, I need to check my motives.


“Sometimes it’s hard to lean on You when I feel I’m capable of getting things done, Lord. Forgive my self-sufficient nature and teach me to learn to rely on You and Your strength, instead of my own. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Inspired by the song, Forgiven and Loved by Christian recording artist, Jimmy Needham.