Sunday, January 19, 2025


Letters From Heaven

January 19

…you are a letter from Christ…written not with ink but in the Spirit of the living God...

2Corinthians 3:3

They had just wrapped up the Sunday School lesson on being a good witness for Jesus, when one adult rose, and exited the classroom. A murmur immediately spread throughout the class, and one statement was heard above the rest: “Must have felt convicted!”

The teacher, knowing why the man had left, let the murmuring continue for a minute and then called the class to silence, “I asked John to leave the class without interruption, and without explaining himself.”

The class looked to each other with puzzled expressions. With no answer forthcoming, the teacher continued, “Uncomfortable as this is, it is a valuable lesson for us all. I don’t care who made what statements. I did this as an example of how we sometimes give false witness.

“There is always someone standing on the sidelines waiting to judge Christianity by its mistakes. The murmuring that followed John’s departure is a form of gossip. Several of us defamed John’s character unjustly. If a non-believer had been present they would have heard the family of God criticizing one of their own.” He paused. Scanning each face, not wanting to single anyone out, yet not giving them room to escape the true conviction that had entered the room.

In closing, he simply stated, “We are each letters from Heaven, written in the Spirit of the living God. How would you like yours to read?”

It’s been said that many Christians are the only Bible some people will ever read. If that’s the case, what are those who are reading us getting from the Bible? Do we draw them toward a relationship with Jesus Christ, or do we confirm the cynicism of those who see Christianity as a hypocrites’ religion?

Paul took responsibility for his witness. He also challenged those he was responsible for to witness well.

When we witness poorly it reflects not only on our walk with the Lord, it puts a black eye on the Source of our faith. We must be mindful of the statement we are making.


“May the pages of my book be considerate and encouraging, Lord, drawing people into relationship with You, instead of driving them away. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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