Death Is a Comma,
January 24
We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For…what is unseen is eternal.
2Corinthians 4:18
The widow smiled warmly as each guest passed by and paid their respects. In return, they embraced her with a tender hug and heart-felt condolences. She and her husband had been generous with their time; their home had always been open. They humbly practiced hospitality.
The guests gathered in small groups, reminiscing and reliving fond memories of times spent with this couple. They lingered, keeping the memories alive.
Near the end of calling hours the widow asked if the guests would mind having a seat so she could address them. They willingly complied.
“I thank you for your outpouring of love and support. Don and I have been blessed by knowing each of you.” Hankies were pulled from purses and back pockets alike as she continued, “You have shared our lives, and we are richer for it. Today is not a day of mourning but a celebration of Don’s transition from his temporal bondage,” she touched the body in the casket, indicating Don’s mortal body, “and into the unfathomable eternity Jesus promises all who call on His Name!
“I will be reunited with Don in just awhile. You see,” her smiled broadened in advance of her next statement; “Death is not a period. It is a comma! So don’t weep for me. Instead, embrace the One Who saves us from our sin.”
We are here but for a short while, and then gone from this life. Yet that is not the end, but merely a transition to our eternal home. The choice we make here will determine our eternal destination.
For Christians, the moment of death is followed by a forever of great rewards. We will be healed of our suffering, and released from life’s struggles in the presence of the One Who gave His life for our sin!
For those who reject Jesus’, their last breath here will be followed by unending torment as they realize the error of their indifference.
The unseen is forever. Choose as if your life depends on it; because it does.
“Lord Jesus, help me fix my eyes on the unseen glory of eternity. May my last breath on earth be followed by my first breath in Heaven. Amen.”
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