Saturday, January 18, 2025



January 18

Therefore…in my absence…it is God who works in you…

Philippians 2:12, 13

Sober for eight months, Dale was thankful for God bringing Glen into his life. Through Glen’s mentoring, Dale had found the strength to say ‘no’ when tempted to run from his problems by drinking. Instead, he had learned to face each day, meeting his problems head-on.

Glen had also introduced Dale to Jesus. He was adamant about telling Dale, “Look, I’m not always going to be around. But that’s okay, because God is the One you need to trust for your sobriety anyway. So, in my absence, look to Him for help. Remember, it’s not you, but God in you that makes the difference.”

Glen was away on business, so today was the first time Glen’s instruction would be put to the test. Dale would be in close proximity to alcohol because of his job, and knew it would test his resolve. It was one thing to resist temptation when Glen was around…quite another when he was on his own, with no one but God watching. But he was determined to trust God for the outcome.

All day long when temptation surfaced, Dale quietly proclaimed, “Not me, but God in me.” And that night, when he laid his head on his pillow, he did it sober.

When we attempt to battle sin, in any form, in our own strength, we will eventually lose the battle. When that happens, Satan accuses, “You are hopeless, helpless, useless, and powerless. You are a failure.” Sadly, many people, due to pride and deception, never recognize Satan’s lies or learn the truth of what Glen taught Dale: that in his weakness, and Glen’s absence, Dale needed to cry out to Jesus!

Paul told the Philippians the same thing, knowing they needed to understand this truth so they could mature in Christ by surrendering their own strength in order to gain His.

The strength we need to overcome anything we struggle with is found in Jesus. When faced with temptation, cry out to Him, asking that He fight the battle.


“In my pride and denial I find it hard to admit I need anyone to fight my battles, Lord Jesus. Forgive such arrogance and pride as I move aside and let You do the fighting for me, today. Amen.”

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