Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Choose Wisely

January 29

But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…

Joshua 24:15

Jane was tired of always having to be sure she made the right choice. How can I possibly hope to do the right thing every time?!

Talking to a friend about her plight, she asked, “There’s so much that appears to be okay on the surface, yet once you peel away the outer layer it’s not what it seems. How do you keep from making the wrong choices, Connie?”

Connie smiled, “I don’t.”

Seeing Jane’s amazement she qualified her statement, “It’s not that I don’t try to make the right decision; I do, but we all make mistakes. I’m no different than you.”

Jane posed an incomplete question, “So…?”

Sensing the direction Jane was heading she asked, “Do you mean, how do I know if I’m doing the right thing?” Getting a nod she formed her response carefully, “First, I ask God for His thoughts on the matter when time allows. He always gives me good advice. Split-second decisions I trust to the Holy Spirit’s ability to give me discernment; if it doesn’t feel right, I don’t do it. But here’s my litmus test: Ultimately, God gives me the right to choose for myself, so I ask, ‘How will what I do affect my relationship with Jesus?’ and immediately I am faced with the truth. It’s the best spiritual barometer I’ve ever encountered.”

God gave us free will for a reason. He knows what perfect love is. He understands it cannot be forced upon anyone; we must choose to love. For this reason He did not create automatons with their receivers transfixed to an exclusive frequency; we have options.

And the choices we make will determine whether we experience joy or sorrow.

When Joshua wrote today’s text he meant exactly what he said, It’s our choice.

Bringing our will under control is our responsibility. That is why it’s called choosing.

Our will…Our choice. God will not intervene. Choose wisely.


“LORD, rid me of myself; I belong to You. I want to obey You alone. Show me what is right when I’m confused and encourage me as I bring my will under control by submitting to Yours. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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