Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Unthinkable Healing

January 22

Praise the LORD…who forgives all your sins.

Psalm 103:2, 3

The woman at the door was a stranger. “This may seem strange,” she began, “but God sent me here to share with you. May I come in?”

The sense of peace and trust that accompanied the request caused Debbie to open the door, admitting her unexpected visitor.

“My name is Esther,” the woman continued, “God has sent me to you as a messenger of forgiveness. He wants you to know He is extending forgiveness to you.”

But how could God forgive what I’ve done?! Debbie wondered, silently fearing this stranger somehow knew her secret.

As if reading her thoughts, Esther said, “He wants to forgive what you believe is unforgivable.”

She knows! Debbie’s heart screamed. But how?!

“God knows the regret and pain you live with,” Esther said. Then taking Debbie’s hand, she softly said, “What you’ve done is not unforgivable.”

“God can’t forgive what I did?!” Debbie blurted through unbidden sobs. “I took the life of an innocent child!”

“And not a day has gone by that He hasn’t waited for you to bring Him your wounded heart for healing,” Esther said with assurance. “Believe me…I know,” Esther whispered through tears of her own. “I know because He forgave me for having an abortion three years ago. He sent me here today as witness to His great mercy.”

How could a holy God forgive abortion?!” our wounded hearts contend. We can’t perceive that God could, or would forgive abortion because in-and-of-ourselves there is nothing we can do to atone for the wrong that was done. But we are not God! And He alone forgives sin…all sin, when we repent.

Yes, abortion is a horrific act. Yet it is no greater than any other, because all sin separates us from God. It is we who categorize our transgressions, not God. His desire is that we come to understand that holiness means hatred of all sin, and if He forgives any sin, He forgives the sin of abortion.

He is waiting for us to bring all our sin before Him in repentance, asking that He cast it as far as the east is from the west. See vs.12


“I feel unforgivable, LORD. But Your word says You heal all sin in repentance. I don’t fully understand, but I come right now, asking for Your mercy and grace to cover my sin. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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