Saturday, January 25, 2025


Burnt Bridges

January 25

A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor.

Proverbs 11:12

Rich and Mahlon were pranksters. They loved nothing more than setting up elaborate schemes to surprise people. The problem was they had never seen a need to set boundaries. And because of the lengths they went to to pull off their elaborate plans many people ended up more than a little surprised.

Being targeted by these two never ended well for the object of their intentions. As a result, people tired of their childish behavior. Eventually Rich and Mahlon managed to alienate everyone who knew them.

Unfortunately, their escapades had not gone unnoticed by their employer, and one day both men were called to the plant foreman’s office. The plant owner no longer wanted them on the payroll as they represented an insurance risk, so he had told the plant foreman to terminate them.

Unable to secure employment anywhere in the small town, they were forced to seek work in the neighboring towns. Every business where they applied took their applications but the two men never received a call-back; their reputations had preceded them. No one was willing to hire the troublemakers.

Out of money, and no place to work, they pulled stakes and headed for the Metro area in hopes of landing a job. News filtered back of how they had ended up homeless for a time before finding gainful employment. Sadly, further news reached their hometown that once re-employed the two men rekindled their destructive antics.

The troublemakers of the world see themselves as entertainers. However, they are their own audience. When our actions are based in self-satisfying behavior, with total disregard for the feelings or welfare others, coupled with no sense of remorse, we will burn our bridges behind us.

Proverbs warns that this kind of behavior will end badly for those who carelessly revile their neighbor. In time their habits of misguided adventure will backfire, ruining any hope of a productive and rewarding life.

Treating people with contempt will not win friends. If we wish to be treated with consideration and kindness we must do likewise at every opportunity.


“Lord, help me be kind and considerate of others. Not only because I wish to be treated the same, but because it’s the right thing to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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