Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Before We Called

Before they call, I will answer.
Isaiah 65:24

“Sir,” the voice on the other end of the phone said, “we need some of your son’s blood. It is the rarest of all types; with it, we can save the lives of millions of people.”
Was this some kind of sick joke? How could they possibly know that?
His son had been born just this morning and hadn’t yet been named. Three months premature, weighing less than three pounds, his survival was still in question.
How could someone possibly know what his blood type is? Or for that matter, how could they know it had curative properties? And even if they did know, how could they ask such a question?!
“Sir, we need your decision now. If we don’t give the children a serum from the antibodies your son’s blood has, many of them will die. We need your son’s blood.”
This can’t be happening! His mind was numb. His wife had died in childbirth, and now they were asking him to put his infant son’s life in jeopardy by allowing them to remove much of the blood from his little body.
“Sir?” He dropped the receiver and returned to the hospital nursery. He looked at his tiny son in the basinet and wondered, What am I supposed to do?
When God faced this situation, He never hesitated.
And before we called, God sent a baby, the symbol of the purest thing on earth. In an infant, there is no fault. Without a sacrifice pure enough to meet the demand of justice, we would be damned for eternity.
God sent a man who has the wisdom and strength to lead us through the murkiest waters and lift us from the greatest depths of despondency. God is a force Who will fight our battles with a love so fierce that He left His throne to live in our world.
God sent a Savior, the only One eligible to stand in our place, to take every punishment, every lash, every torment and be defiled because He could not stand that we would spend eternity without Him!
Before we called, God sent the answer.

“Father of love, thank You for the life-giving blood of Jesus! May we never fail to understand, as much as humanly possible, what that sacrifice cost You. Amen.”

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