Saturday, December 8, 2018

Preparing to Fail

My sons, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.
Proverbs 1:10

The drink took effect less than four minutes after he’d taken it. The rush was familiar, euphoric, and successful at numbing his pain.
As the familiar numbness flooded his brain, what he’d done became a reality. In one act of desperation, he’d thrown away his sobriety. The shame of his irresponsibility transcended those years as if he’d never quit! Oh, God! What did I do?!
An hour ago, he’d been facing a situation that threatened to overwhelm him. Instead of calling someone and fleeing from the temptation, he’d opted to check out emotionally. The holiday season brought unwanted memories and heartache, and in his weariness he just wanted some peace. Before he realized what he was doing, he found himself at the liquor store, purchasing the very brand of alcohol that had cost him his marriage and job twenty years ago.
In one act of weakness, he’d slammed back two shots, refusing to give himself time to process the imminent fallout. He knew what would happen but didn’t care enough to stop himself from making such a huge mistake. Now, here he was, back where he swore he’d never return.
When we attempt to fight the enemy on our own, we’re asking for trouble. Alone and unprepared, we become an easier target. If we try to battle such a deceitful enemy alone in such a vulnerable state, we are committing a grievous mistake. We are actually preparing to fail.
In our strength alone we will fail against an enemy so powerful and cunning. Only God truly understands how easily we become ensnared. That we actually believe we can stand up to him and win shows how arrogant we are! We must admit our helplessness and ask for assistance.
God does not intend for us to fail, nor does He expect or want us to fight these battles on our own. He does, however, leave that choice up to us. He says, “My sons, if sinners entice you, run! God wants us to win and our pride to lose.

“Thank You for the way of escape, Lord. Teach me to set aside my foolish pride and ask for help before I get beaten into submission. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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