Saturday, December 15, 2018

Does Hell Break Your Heart?

Freely you have received, freely give.
Matthew 10:8

The two young men seemed likely candidates for the associate pastor position the church was looking to fill, so the advisory committee scheduled them to preach. Fresh out of seminary, each was asked to bring a message on hell.
The first candidate preached passionately, trying to dissuade anyone who was listening to shun a life destined for eternal darkness. The second young man came the following week and also spoke of the horror awaiting those who rejected Jesus.
Later that day, the second young man received a call from the chairman of the committee offering him the pastorate.
The young man felt compelled to ask, “Why did you choose me?”
The chairman answered, “When the first young man spoke, he delivered a timely message about the horror of hell and why we should seek heaven instead. But when he talked about those condemned to hell, he sounded as if he was glad that they were getting their just reward. You also brought us a timely message expounding on heaven’s attributes and hell’s emptiness, focusing on the horror of eternity without God. When you spoke about those who are going to hell, it was evident that it broke your heart. Young man, we share your compassion for those who are perishing and want you to help us evangelize the people in our community so that none of them ends up in hell because we failed to reach out to them.”
It should break our hearts to know that people are perishing, separated from God for eternity. The moment they wake up in hell, they are faced with the knowledge that time and time again they rejected God’s offer of salvation. That revelation will never end.
I question whether many of us give this much thought. If we do, we certainly don’t allow it to grieve us too deeply; if the truth of this horror were ever to reach our hearts, we would be compelled to take action.
Like the disciples, we are commissioned to share Jesus with a lost and dying world.

“Make this truth real in my heart, Lord. Cause me to have a heart for those who are perishing. Help me share Your plan of salvation with abandon. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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