Monday, December 17, 2018

It Takes More Grace

He leads me beside quiet waters.
Psalm 23:2

Jimmy was two body lengths above Karen as they ascended Martin’s Peak, a virtually unknown outcropping of rock in Colorado. It was challenging enough to bring them back time and again. They loved the outdoors, and rock climbing had become an obsession for the young married couple.
They had climbed several routes and had successfully summited on three of their five attempts. Two of the ascensions proved dead ends.
Climbing this late in the season presented different risks. Ice formed on many of the handholds they normally used, causing them to be extra vigilant in choosing their route. This time they decided to take a route that added a measure of safety because it was on the south-facing wall.
Part way up, Karen glanced up to see Jimmy stationary, casting about for his next foothold. He seemed unsure of which direction to proceed so the next handhold would present itself.
Karen, seeing his plight, looked past him to an area that must have been a blind spot for Jimmy because of the steepness of the rock. “There’s a handhold four meters above you to the right. The foothold you’re looking at to your right will put you just under it,” she offered.
“You sure?” he asked.
“I have to follow where you lead. What do you think?” Jimmy smiled and proceeded to the right, finding the handhold right where Karen said it would be.
It takes more grace to step blindly in faith than it does to tell someone else to take that step while you observe. When we experience blind spots on the path with God, we have a tendency to look for an optional route. It’s not easy stepping out in faith. But God would never bring us to harm.
The problem with believing this is that the faith required to do so comes only from experiencing His faithfulness. By trial and error, we find God at every turn.
In God’s grace, we discover that a deeper relationship is possible. And if we listen, He will tell us where to step next.

“I want to learn to trust You completely, Lord. Magnify Your grace in me; give me courage to step into the unknown and unseen as long as You are leading. Amen.”

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