Sunday, December 23, 2018

Therefore …

Therefore we will not fear
Psalm 46:2

Reed was in a fix. That the fix was due to his own mistake did nothing to lessen his desire to be free of the mess he now found himself in. As a matter of fact, he had to fight the urge to blame the individual who had presented this grant opportunity that had gone awry.
But, being the one in charge, Reed realized that wasn’t an option; he would assume responsibility and shoulder the blame instead of shifting it in order to exonerate himself. The company would probably lose the grant because of his oversight, but that couldn’t be helped now.
He said a quick prayer and dialed his boss’s extension.
His boss patiently listened as Reed explained his mistake; then he said, “It’s okay, Reed. Just call the foundation and explain the oversight. We have a history with them. They have always dealt fairly with us, and I have no reason to believe they won’t return the forms and allow you to make the necessary corrections.”
It was then that Reed remembered this morning’s devotional Scripture reference: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.” Even though it appears everything is falling apart, he finished silently. God’s promise was coming true even now! Peace flooded his soul as he said a silent prayer of thanks.
He was so excited he almost missed his boss add, “If they give you any grief, let me know. I’ll call and speak with them.”
How often do we find ourselves panicking because we forget that we have the power of Almighty God at our disposal? He is anxious to add His strength to our problems. He genuinely wants us to walk in close relation with Him, listening for His guiding voice, knowing we can ask Him anything.
Not every problem will see quick resolution; but we can have peace, knowing that even in the midst of our struggles, we can rest in the understanding that He will cause us to be able to stand up under its weight.
Though the earth give way, Almighty God is our refuge, therefore we need not fear!

“You are the Creator and Sustainer of all things and my Almighty GOD; therefore, I will not fear! In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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