Sunday, December 2, 2018

What’s Algegra?

She is a tree of life to those who embrace her.
Proverbs 3:18

Matt raised his hand and asked, “What’s algegra? I heard my sister talkin’ ‘bout it last night, an’ she said she hates it! Is it like spinach or somethin’?”
Ms. Dennis pursed her lips tightly until her laughter was under control. “I believe your sister was speaking of algebra, Matt,” she enunciated. “It is a form of mathematics,” she said, writing the word on the blackboard so they could see the correct spelling.
Taking advantage of this teachable moment, she explained that algebra is the use of numbers in sets. She made the lesson comprehensive to first graders, finishing with, “And yes, Matt, some people hate it as much as spinach. But math, like spinach, is good for you, even if it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.”
Arriving home, Matt told his sister, “You need to do your algegra.” (He hadn’t taken notes.) “I hate spinach. But Ms. Dennis said I should eat my spinach, and you should do your algegra ‘cause it’s good for us,” he concluded.
Looking at him through squinted eyes, she asked, “What in the world are you talking about?”
“I heard you say last night you hate algegra,” he said innocently. “So I asked Ms. Dennis ‘bout it.”
Amused by her little brother, she ruffled his hair and said, “Okay, you eat the spinach; I’ll do the algegra.”
God wants to reveal to us the intricacies of life. As babies we have beginner-level comprehension. As we mature, we are able to assimilate more complicated matters. The more mature, the deeper our understanding.
Nowhere in Scripture is retirement mentioned. The reasoning behind our self-imposed work stoppage is flawed; it creates a stop-learning mentality.
No, I am not suggesting you never retire. But …
Knowledge is the accumulation of experience. Wisdom is the ability to apply that knowledge. When we cease to learn, our brains begin to deteriorate for lack of stimuli.
God’s desire is that we embrace learning until the day we die. And although to some it’s like eating spinach, we should always strive to learn. Because, in Matt’s words, “It’s good for us.”

“Lord, may I never stop learning the things You have set before me. Stimulate my mind to be sharp and sensible. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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