Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Where Are We Leading?

An example, that you should follow …
1 Peter 2:21

As early as age three, Erica could be found trying to pull Daddy’s tools from his work belt as it hung from a wall peg in the mudroom. She piled detergent boxes like steps to reach her goal. And several times she attained that goal only to be scolded for playing with Daddy’s tools.
So Erica was beside herself with delight when on her fifth birthday she received her very own tool belt! Daddy explained to her that, like his own tools, her tools could be used to work on and repair broken things. Wanting to know the application of each tool, she asked Daddy to show her. As he removed each tool from his belt, Erica took its equivalent and did her best to imitate his actions. For weeks she went around the house fixing things.
One evening as Daddy was reading the paper, he noticed Erica playing with her hammer. He watched as she intentionally struck her thumb and hollered, “Stupid hammer!” then turned to seek her Daddy’s approval.
What an eye-opener! She had apparently observed him earlier that day when he had done what she had just mimicked. With startling clarity, he understood the implications of his actions on his little girl. In that moment, he determined to be the best example he could.
Every step we take is an invitation for someone to follow. And living an upright life is not always easy. But we are responsible for the impact our actions have on those who watch us. And make no mistake—someone is always watching.
Many of us live as if there are no consequences for our actions. We think that because God has not judged us swiftly, His judgment is not coming. If we are insensitive to the truth that no act, good or evil, will go unnoticed or unpunished, the fallout of an unrighteous life can have disastrous consequences, on us and those who look to us for guidance.
Jesus left us an example to follow, one that requires commitment and discipline, one that shows others the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

“Help me remain aware of my influence on others. May my life lead people to You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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