Monday, March 1, 2021



I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Joshua 1:5

Dennis traveled to work by different routes each morning, which is quite remarkable since he traveled more than thirty-five miles one-way to his place of employment. But why would someone take a different route to work each morning instead of the quickest way possible, thereby minimizing travel time and saving fuel? Why? Because Dennis was called by God to intercede on behalf of people who would probably never know they were being prayed for. As he drove through each neighborhood he prayed, asking God to meet each need and draw the families to Himself.

Dennis enjoyed his silent ministry, rising early each morning—having mapped out that day’s route the night before—to meditate on the morning’s drive. Then, he’d give his wife, Mary Ellen, a kiss, and set out to pray for the needs of the people on his chosen route.

But this morning Dennis’ heart was troubled. God hadn’t been as forthcoming in verifying which route to take, nor had he sensed any explicit prayer-assignments for those homes he would encounter. Dennis reasoned that maybe God was asking him to be faithful in spite of the silence. As he backed out of the driveway, he vented his frustration audibly, “Do you even know where I am?”

God’s response was immediate... “I always know where you are, Dennis. I have not left you. Take heart! For you are My GPS…my God Positioned Servant!”

How difficult it is when we experience God's silence. It can be, and many times is, perplexing to know He’s there and yet not hear a peep out of Him. It’s one of the ways He teaches us to choose between right and wrong, as well as learning to stay committed, in the face of adversity.

He wants us to continue in spite of His silence, growing in the knowledge and confidence that we are capable of making right choices. And if we make a mistake, He’ll be quick to nudge us through His Holy Spirit.

But never doubt His presence…you are His GPS!


“Lord, lead on, and teach me to trust You in the silence. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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