Friday, March 26, 2021


You Are Doubly Mine!

You were bought at a price.

1Corinthians 6:20

“This is gonna be great Dad! I can’t wait to see how it floats,” Timmy said, looking at the 1/32 scale sailboat he and his dad had spent over sixty hours building together. As they pulled in at the marina, Timmy jumped from the truck and raced toward the shoreline. With a gentle shove, he launched the boat on its maiden voyage. He watched as it slowly moved along the water's edge. Suddenly, the small sail caught a crosswind, and quickly began moving into deeper water. Timmy hadn’t figured on it getting far enough out that he couldn’t retrieve it with the grappling rope he’d made. Now it was not only out of reach, it was disappearing over the horizon!

“We have to go to the other side, Dad! C’mon, we need to hurry!” he cried.

“Hop in the car,” his father said. “We’ll see if we can find where it comes ashore,”

Hours of searching proved futile. Timmy was crushed.

Two days later, as Timmy was walking to school, he passed the local pawn shop. In the window of the shop sat his boat! Throwing open the door, Timmy ran to the counter, “That’s my boat!” he proclaimed, pointing to the window. “Please give it to me.”

“I’m sorry, young man,” the owner said. “I paid good money for that boat. I can’t just give it to you.” Timmy didn’t know what to do. “Tell you what I’ll do,” the man said. “I’ll sell it to you for exactly what I paid.”

“Deal!” Timmy agreed, and paid the man. As he walked out the door the man heard him say, “You’re doubly mine! I made you, and now I’ve bought you back!”

What a perfect picture of how God feels about us! Created in His image, with a love so deep, He couldn’t stand losing us. So when Adam and Eve changed His plans, He sent Jesus to purchase us back.

At a price that cost Him more than we can comprehend, a debt we could not pay on our own, His great love purchased our eternal freedom! Such great love proclaims, “I created you and I have bought you back! You are doubly Mine!”


“Thank You, LORD, for making me doubly Yours! Amen.”

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