What Love Looks Like
Love never fails
1Corinthians 13:8
I neither heard complaint, nor saw a single self-regarding act in the two weeks I’d been a guest in Tom and Elsie’s home. The love they shared was a remarkable thing to witness…for as Elsie fought against the cancer that was slowly taking her life, Tom fought for her dignity.
One evening, I silently observed as Tom helped Elsie into bed following a long, difficult day. I was moved by the tenderness and attention he so generously lavished upon her. Helping her to a sitting position, allowing her to help herself as much as possible, Tom bent low, kissed her, and asked, “How’s that, My Love? Comfortable?”
With the understanding that this would normally be a private moment, shared by soul-mates wholly devoted to each other, I unreservedly eavesdropped, feeling I was meant to witness love’s lasting pledge. With unconstrained compassion, and a willingness to meet each need and satisfy every whim, Tom ministered to Elsie until she quietly slipped into the light sleep they had become accustom to…little snatches of rest that didn’t last long at this stage. Watching her sleep, Tom patiently awaited the moment Elsie would suddenly awaken, anxiety in her voice, asking, “Tommy?! Oh, Tommy! What will you do?!” She couldn’t stand the thought of him being alone.
Unable to embrace Elsie’s fragile body, Tom lay beside her and I was privileged to observe one of love’s greatest sacrifices as he said, “God will take care of me, My Love. I will be fine. You needn’t worry.” Shortly thereafter, with Tom holding his beloved and the knowledge they would one day be together again, Elsie went Home to Jesus.
Such genuine devotion is rarely witnessed, but is the model by which we are to live and love in marriage. Such a depth of commitment is only possible when our hearts are bent first to Jesus, and then to our spouse. It requires self-abasement; a willingness to put our spouse's welfare ahead of our own…no matter how tough the going gets.
Watching Tom and Elsie in those final days, I realized 1Corinthians 13:4-8 had been lived out in front of me. This was what love is meant to look like. Theirs was a love that never failed.
“Help me love extravagantly and unselfishly, Lord. Help me feel toward my spouse as You feel about Your Bride. Amen.”
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