Monday, March 22, 2021


The Fleece

Then Gideon said to God, ‘Do not be angry with me.’

Judges 6:39

God had led Larry and Linda Holt to plant a church on the northeast side of Metro-Detroit. In just five short years, Redemption House had grown into a burgeoning fellowship. Now God was leading them to move from their small apartment into a larger dwelling in order to facilitate pastoral services such as cell groups and staff functions within a more personal home environment.

On a tight budget, with a glutted housing market, they weren’t sure how to determine which house to buy. So…led by the Holy Spirit, Larry made a bold proclamation, “I don’t believe we should search for a house. Instead, I want someone to offer us one.”

Somewhat amused by Larry’s declaration, Linda asked, “Where, exactly, did that come from?”

“I feel led to lay out a fleece,” he said. “If, indeed, God wants us to move, He can certainly handle our request.” And with that they prayed, asking that someone contact them, offering them a house.

Three days later, Larry received a phone call from a wonderful lady who had attended prophetic ministry training classes in their church. She cut right to the chase, “I understand you are looking for a home. I’d like to offer you mine. I am moving and would like to see the house used for God’s glory. I believe you will do that, and I am willing to let you have it at substantially less than market value.” And with that, God laid the foundation for Redemption House’s first parsonage.

God does not become angry when we petition Him with a fleece in the midst of discovering His will for our lives. Nor is He bashful about answering what we might consider unusual or outrageous requests when we are seeking His will. He actually prefers our asking over rash or thoughtless action.

As Gideon and the Holts discovered, God is quite capable of showing us His intentions.

If you find yourself facing a difficult decision, lay out a fleece…then expect an answer.


“I want to be sure about what I’m doing, LORD. Please give me a sign that You are pleased with my progress, and do it in such a way that I will recognize the answer could only come from You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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