Wednesday, March 10, 2021


Why the Cross?

You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.

John 19:11

“Crucify him! Crucify him!” Over and over they petitioned Pilate, forcing his hand. Seeing their frenzied state, Pilate realized that to deny them would be to invite rebellion. With his safety in question, Pilate granted their pleas, vainly washing his hands of any guilt.

Soldiers mocked this reticent King. In shame, with a form of torture reserved for the lowest of Roman prisoners, they beat him, clothed him in the linen of royalty, and jammed a crown of thorns onto his head. Jesus spoke not a word, given completely to this selfless act of love.

Having stripped him of his dignity, they marched him through the streets of Jerusalem, to Golgotha, a crossbeam of impending death digging into his shoulders. There, they nailed his wrists to the beam, and hoisted him atop the vertical post.

When he broke his silence it was to ask his Father where he’d gone. Yet, no answer was forthcoming. Then, with his work complete, Jesus spoke into our lives, “It is finished.” In that moment, in an act of love we can’t comprehend, one for which we should be forever grateful, Jesus submitted his Spirit to the Father, and the curtain in the temple was torn in two! From top to bottom it tore, making a way for us to approach the Father!

Forty-three days later, having arisen from the grave, He ascended to the Father, and continues to speak on our behalf!

The cross of Christ is the door through which salvation comes. And though you may not understand, you and I were present that day two-thousand years ago. Not in person, but in our iniquity. We had a hand in crucifying the Holy Lamb of God.

The great wonder of God’s grace is that the submission of Jesus, the selfless love that put Him on that cross, also pursues us with its power. It represents the price of our eternal freedom. If you haven’t yet done so, would you allow that power to set you free today?


“Thank You, Lord Jesus, for submitting to the cross. Thank You Father God for sending Your Son as the propitiation of my sin. Amen.”

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