Saturday, March 27, 2021

 His Name Is Mr. Hall

Show proper respect to everyone.

1Peter 2:17

As Pastor Bob shared with me, I sensed the deep respect and affection for the man of whom he spoke. “Mr. Hall was special. And he’ll always be Mr. Hall to me, not Walter.” He smiled, “You know, he tried to get me to call him by his first name. I just never felt comfortable calling him Walter.”

As he continued, I felt a tangible connection with Mr. Hall. It was as if he were present in the room. The clarity and warmth of Pastor Bob’s memory ushered us into his high school band room... “Mr. Hall was one of four or five men who’ve had a huge influence in my life. He was my band and choir director…and a good, godly man. He loved nurturing the hearts and minds of his students.” He chuckled as he added, “I never found out until much later that he was also the choir director at his church. I guess I wasn’t looking for spirituality at seventeen. I just liked him.”

Pastor Bob spoke fondly of how Mr. Hall encouraged him to seek God’s will for his life, and to consider the ministry. “Somehow he saw my gifting long before I did! I still call him at least once a year to catch up and check on his health. And I thank God frequently for Mr. Hall’s inspiration and encouragement.”

As I drove home, I once again thanked God for Pastor Bob’s influence in my life. God had used Pastor Bob in that capacity many times throughout the course of our friendship.

His appreciation for Mr. Hall had given me something to consider—the lack of respect so prevalent in today’s society.

We no longer use title and surname while addressing our elders. We skip right over good manners and moral principle, elevating everyone to equal standing and privilege. It would seem that teaching good manners is no longer a prerequisite in the maturation process.

Calling an adult by their first name (someone over the age of twenty-one or married) was foreign to my generation. It should be to our children’s as well.

Today’s text is not a suggestion; it is God’s directive. One we should teach and live by.


“May my words and actions reflect the honor and respect due my elders and those deserving of titles, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Inspired by the future book, His Name Is Mr. Hall by: Pastor Bob Pelfrey

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