Wednesday, March 17, 2021


The Obedient Hairdresser

Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.

Luke 6:30

Needing new equipment, Izzy, under God’s direction, had gone to Eve’s Salon in order to purchase what she needed. Eve had been abrupt and ungracious, telling Izzy, “I’m charging you full price. I’m not about to help a competitor run me out of business.” Izzy had swallowed her pride and paid the $600 dollars Eve demanded, knowing it was the right thing to do. Because of her obedience, her solon had prospered in the five years since.

Now Izzy felt God asking her to sell the salon and start a new ministry. Having built a large clientele, Izzy’s Salon was situated on prime real estate. When word got out that she was selling the business, several competitors, including Eve, contacted the owner of the building to make an offer to rent the space. He, in turn, advised them they would have to deal with Izzy.

Three stylists contacted her with reasonable offers, yet Izzy felt God was saying, “Wait.” Several days later Eve contacted Izzy, agreeing to the asking price, as well as offering an additional $5200 dollars if she would leave the equipment!

Izzy’s obedience had come full circle. God was repaying her at over 800% interest!

Pride and the thought of someone getting the best of us have robbed more than one person of God’s blessing, because sometimes doing the right thing can leave a bad taste in our mouth.

What God asked of Izzy is what He asks of us all, “Trust Me. If you need vindicated or repaid, let Me vindicate and repay you.” What He gets from us most of the time is a skeptic’s heart. We have a hard time letting go of offenses. But it’s in the letting go that we find freedom…freedom from pride and expectations!

If we, like Izzy, leave future-results in God’s capable hands, we will find reward far beyond what anyone could ever extract from us.


“Give me faith to trust in You, LORD, and help me leave vindication and repayment up to the One Who can bring glory and joy where frustrated pride seeks a foothold. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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