Sunday, March 14, 2021


Second Chances

“He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands.”

Ephesians 4:28

The question was customary for someone being interviewed for a managerial position in a retail store. But the answer from this candidate was anything but typical.

“Eric, if you caught one of your employees stealing, would you fire them on the spot?” asked the Store Manager, a look of pre-determined expectation on his face.

Eric’s answer was immediate—and unexpected. “No, Sir.”

The Manager had a look of incredulous astonishment, “Are you serious?!”

“Yes sir.” was Eric’s honest response.

“How can you justify theft in your employ?!” the manager asked.

“I have no intention of justifying any act of stealing, Sir. You asked me if I would fire them immediately. I could not, without some fact-finding and discussion. You see, I serve a God of second chances. And because of that I would extend the same grace and mercy to the employee that I myself have been freely given, offering them an opportunity to make right their wrong, and learn from their mistake.”

The answer was given with such sincerity and conviction, showing deep wisdom, that the executive reached out his hand as he said, “I appreciate your honesty and your answer, Eric. We can use someone with your character.”

Initially this Manager expected Eric to fire his wayward employee. But, with wisdom beyond human reason, Eric knew that most, if not all of us, have needed a second chance at the things we have failed in.

Paul was adamant that those who steal must stop. Yet he did not condemn them. He simply gave them a new directive with purpose. When we are quick to judge and dismiss others for their sins we can miss an opportunity to help them get set free from that very sin.

Paul did not focus on the sin they had committed, he instead showed them grace, knowing that God can change a willing heart; Paul, himself, was the perfect example.

Don’t find yourself denying someone the chance to make right what is wrong.


Although I have fallen many times, Lord, You have not judged me harshly. May You find me full of grace, looking to help and not judge unfairly. Make me useful to You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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