Tuesday, July 23, 2024

 Daddy’s Charge

July 23

So now I charge you in the sight of all Israel and of the assembly of the Lord, and in the hearing of our God: Be careful to follow all the commands of the Lord your God, that you may possess this good land and pass it on as an inheritance to your descendants forever.

1 Chronicles 28:8

As they circled the dance floor, he held her close. His little girl had grown too fast. He felt so blessed, so proud of who she had become. He was feeling the separation that comes when our children come of age. 

Beautiful beyond words, she smiled a tear-filled smile, Daddy’s girl all the way! The dance ended too soon. Roles had changed in less than an hour. He had gone from provider and protector to sometimes advisor and prayerful encourager—advisor only when solicited.

He thought back to the ceremony when he’d charged his new son, “Today, I present to you my daughter. I charge you with the nurturing love of a mother and the fearless protection of a father. May you be strong when necessary and gentle in times of tears. And may God bless this union.”

Back in the present, he thought, Funny how life screams by at light-speed when it involves our children. He caught his wife’s knowing smile over the crowd. He was pretty sure she was saying, “Now you know how my dad felt.” He had a new perspective.

Responsibility brings with it promise. In this text’s pronouncement, Israel, if they followed God’s commands, would inherit the land set aside for them for all generations.

We are to not only follow God’s commands, but to faithfully instruct our offspring. They are to be nurtured, able to leave us, moving into the next season of their lives. We are charged with calling them to accountability.

As with the father in this story, we are to charge those who inherit the care of those entrusted to us. We are not to do this with ambiguity. We are to actively speak truth of responsibility to the next generation.


“You charge us this day, to follow Your commands, Lord. Teach us to be faithful in response to that responsibility as we follow Your leading. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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