Friday, July 5, 2024


July 5

Praise the Lord … who redeems your life from the pit.

Psalm 103:1, 4

As the professor began presenting his theory on black holes, he surveyed this newest group of would-be physics majors. 

“Black Holes 101,” he began. “Nothing escapes a black hole. Once past the event horizon, matter cannot reemerge.” He continued expounding. “An event horizon is the boundary in space-time past which matter cannot escape a black hole’s gravity. 

"The weight of the mass within the hole is billions of times greater than the mass outside the horizon, causing a gravitational pull almost unimaginable. So great, even light itself is trapped and cannot escape.” 

The professor pointed to thousands of galaxies shown on his celestial map. “Each galaxy you see is believed to contain a black hole near its galactic center. Though we cannot directly view black holes, effects on the matter surrounding them infer their presence. 

"Once matter falls past the event horizon of a black hole, no escape velocity is sufficient to break its grip. The type of horizon we are studying today is an absolute horizon. This is when anything that passes through the horizon from the observer’s side is never seen again.”

People fall beyond absolute horizons every day. They disappear from existence, never to be seen or heard from again. And the truth is that many of them, if not all, could have been saved. For some there is still time.

There is a dynamic difference between galactic black holes and the black holes some of us face each day. In our daily lives, there are no event horizons distinguishing an absolute point of no return. We may drop off the radar, but there is still hope.

God can rescue us from what we believe is beyond the point of no return. No one is outside God’s power to save. He is able to rescue us from the deepest pit and restore us completely.

There is absolutely nothing we can do that is beyond His great love. His hand is extended to anyone who would take hold and be lifted out of their pain-filled circumstances.


“Lord, I absolutely need Your help! This mess I’m in has stolen my life, and I want it back! Lift me out of this pit and redeem my life. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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