Friday, July 19, 2024

 Hope with a Smile

July 19

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

John 13:35

Sally awakened at 4:00 a.m., said a hearty “Good morning, Father” as her feet hit the floor, and headed for the shower. She dressed and headed for the kitchen to fix breakfast for herself and Tiger. “Hiya, kiddo,” she greeted the big cat, stroking his sleek fur.

Eggs cooking, she spooned tuna delight into Tiger’s dish. “Eat it all now!” she said in mock sternness, then chuckled as Tiger cocked his head at her. Dishes done, she headed out the door, ready to meet the day. She loved the short drive to work as it often afforded her a beautiful sunrise or a full moon hanging in the waning night sky.

Sally volunteered in the day surgery unit of the local hospital.

With a smile on her face and a servant’s heart, she set about putting things in order. “I love the quiet,” she would say. “When I arrive, there’s no one here but me. I like that.” Arranging doctors’ charts and nurses’ orders, preparing each room by making sure everything was ready was Sally’s way of ministering to the staff.

Those rounds complete, Sally took her station in the lobby, greeting everyone scheduled for surgery. She took names and met needs, adding quiet words of encouragement and comfort or a prayer offered from a heart that had felt their pain and known their fears. Sally was the bright spot in their day; she gave them hope with a smile.

A servant’s heart is a precious thing. Out of it flows kindness with compassion and tenderness through encouragement. It’s born of a deep love for others, a selfless love like Jesus showed us on Calvary.

Servanthood is this great ability to rid others of their heartache and fear, rejection and pain, if only for a little while.

Jesus calls those who give of themselves in this way His disciples. And for good reason. They love with abandon, holding nothing back, lifting others above the struggles they face. Such an extravagant love makes a remarkable impact, and it begins with a mind-set that brings hope with a smile.


“Help me love like You do, Lord. Use me to brighten someone else’s day. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.”

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