Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 Before We Get on the Bus

July 3

Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it.

Proverbs 8:33

“Can I ask you something, Rueben?” Holly asked. “What do you do for devotions? Which books do you use and what do you consider to be the most important part?”

He said without hesitation, “For me, it’s not which books as much as it is spending time with God each morning, Holly. Don’t get me wrong; books are good, but He enjoys spending time with me. And I’ve found He’s always ready to listen or talk. 

"He loves having input in my day. Let me ask you a question,” he said, turning the tables. “When your children were in grade school, did you expect them to get themselves up each morning and get ready for school? 

'Did you want them to fix their own breakfast and make sure they had their lunches packed and didn’t miss the bus so you could sleep? Did you care who they got a ride home with if they’d had an after school activity? 

"The truth is that in the same way you wanted to be involved in your children’s lives, God wants to take an active role in yours. He wants to hear what happened yesterday at work and how you feel about today. He’s a hands-on kind of parent. 

"Before we get on the bus, He’d like to have breakfast with us and send us on our way with wisdom and a hug. But it’s our choice.”

Spending time with God is not mandatory. He will not force us to listen to wise counsel that would benefit us throughout the course of events we will face today. 

Nor will He lean on us with instruction, regardless of the fact it may save us untold grief or unnecessary detours. He has given us the freedom to share as much of our lives with Him as we wish in whatever capacity we choose.

God knows relationships cannot be forced. He understands we can’t hear what He has to say unless we listen willingly. We would be wise to seek His instruction on a daily basis.


“Create in me a hunger to meet with You, Lord. Help me become wise enough to seek Your instruction daily. Then help me learn to listen to what You say. Amen.”

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