Sunday, July 7, 2024

 The Secret

July 7

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.

Philippians 4:12

In light of her circumstances, Elsie had a tremendous outlook on life. Her secret? She looked for the brightest part of each day and refused to let circumstances dictate her attitude. She certainly had reason to do otherwise.

Elsie’s multiple myloma had resurfaced after twenty years of remission, and she’d just come through colon cancer that had required several surgical procedures. Right now, her doctor was advising her to undergo chemotherapy on top of her radiation treatment. Having been through this before, Elsie took a moment before she responded to the doctor’s suggested course of treatment.

“What do you think, Tommy? Are you up for this again?” she asked her husband.

Tom said, “I’m up for whatever you decide, Els. No matter what, God’ll get us through this.”

She looked at her surgeon. “Can we have a couple days to discuss things and pray about it, Doc? I’m involved with the kids at the hospice center. If I undergo therapy, it’ll mean giving that up for a while. I want to be sure.”

He was inspired by Elsie’s concern for others in the midst of considering her own welfare. She motivated him to approach life with tenacity. He smiled, “Sure, Elsie. You and Tom take whatever time you need. Then call me with your decision.”

How we live gives witness to what we believe. Others read us like a book. So what do they see? Contentedness or contention?

Elsie knew this was something God would handle and guide her through. It was evident God had her trust, and He was in control of her life.

A grouch is not difficult to spot. Neither is someone who inspires us to live above defeat and despondency.

Paul discovered what Jesus already knew: by looking to our ultimate future, we are better able to walk through today with hope in our hearts.

Elsie’s thoughts? “Live like heaven begins tomorrow; sing like no one is listening; dance like no one is watching; and love like you’ve never been hurt before.” Sounds like a good place to start.


“Teach me the secret, Lord, of being content by trusting You for everything in my life. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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