Wednesday, July 31, 2024

 Does It Matter to Me?

July 31

Train a child in the way he should go …

Proverbs 22:6

“Look, Gretchen, if you want to fight with the school board over this smut, book-in-the-library issue, that’s your business. But don’t involve me because it’s not my fight!” Luther said heatedly. “I don’t happen to agree with your perspective about our freedoms being taking away!” he said emphatically.

Gretchen was astonished. “How can you say that with a clear conscience? By not taking a stand against the removal of God from every part of our society or when they try to pass off smut for legitimate reading material, you passively take their side!” she fired at him.

“I have taught my children the difference between creationism and evolution, I’ll have you know!” he fired back. “And they know about those books too. I’ve forbidden them to read them!” He argued. “If more people took care of these things at home, it wouldn’t matter what these liberal-minded lobbyists did. And we wouldn’t be having this battle!” he finished, face flushed in irritation.

“Your children may know the difference,” she interjected. “But what about your grandchildren? What makes you think your kids won’t read those books anyway? Or don’t you care?” Gretchen couldn’t believe how anyone could explain away his responsibility to take a stand against the advancement of evil.

Silence among the Christian community has been the greatest proponent to the propagation of evolution and removal of our entire belief system from not only our public schools, but society as a whole. There are very few times we have the option on whether to engage the enemy or not.

The it’s-not-my-fight mentality, where we neither have the time nor wish to be connected to anything that might make us look like a zealot, is too prevalent in the body of Christ today. We say ridiculous things like, “I don’t want to make anybody angry; I just want to be Jesus to them.”

Be assured: Jesus would not tolerate what we allow because of our fear of man! And to that we must ask ourselves: does it matter to me?


“Lord, give me the sense and courage to take a stand and be willing to defend our freedom of religion. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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