Friday, July 12, 2024

 Be Still

July 12

Be still, and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10

As Dell’s parents left the neurologist’s office, they were coming to grips with the truth that Dell wasn’t going to outgrow this.

He had just been diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome, a neurological disorder that manifests itself through various involuntary motor tics and vocalizations. The head jerking and rapid eye blinking now had a name.

As time passed, they helped Dell adjust to each new tic and the frustration it brought. They helped him develop coping skills for everything from homework to sleeping habits. It seemed like the battles would never end. And when they asked for a tutor at school, their request was denied because Tourette’s was not yet recognized as a learning disability. They were stunned.

It was difficult for Carolyn and Mark to watched Dell struggle, estranged from his peers because of his tics, belittled because he was different.

As months turned into years, they continued to ask God to take away this trying disorder that brought ridicule and tears. All God seemed to say was, “Be still,” and in place of healing came grace.

As Dell matured, God’s purpose emerged, and the desired healing was forgotten. Dell was a man of compassion with deep conviction. An accomplished musician, Dell graduated college with a degree in communications and music. God had elevated Dell above his struggles.

It’s easy to overlook the silver lining because we’re focused on the trial. Believing God has our best interest at heart can be a difficult thing, especially when it involves our children. It’s easy to forget that God intimately understands our heartache where our children are concerned.

How many of us would willingly have sent our only child to die for something he didn’t do, especially knowing he was going to die in place of the guilty party?

When storms hammer us, it’s natural to cry out for deliverance. It’s not natural to believe God would allow this to happen. So when we cry out only to hear Him say, “Be still,” it doesn’t make much sense. Have faith.

God is inviting us, like the psalmist, to focus on Him. And though the earth gives way … to not fear.


“Lord, I have trouble trusting You when I can’t see Your purpose. Help me to trust You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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