Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 Saving for a Future

July 30

But he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.

Proverbs 13:11

Patty and Glenna were twins. But that’s where any similarities ended. Patty was a vigilant, careful saver.

Glenna had never learned the fine art of financial prudence.

Patty had gotten her driver’s license and was checking out cars on the Internet, looking for a good deal.

Glenna never seemed to be able to pass up the latest fashion trend, DVD, or techno gadget.

While Patty saved enough money to make a sizable down payment on a dependable vehicle, Glenna gave no thought to the future. Her peers teased her that she would need to marry into money if she expected to continue her gotta-have-it lifestyle.

Patty put aside what she received for birthdays and Christmas, as well as wages earned working evenings for a local department store.

Glenna, on the other hand, was spontaneous and rarely thought past her next impulse purchase. Every time Apple came out with a new phone or iPod, Glenna just had to have it. Consequently, when she needed a loan, she had no credit established and was denied without a cosigner. Patty was also wise enough to tell Glenna no when she asked if she would cosign.

Squandering money can be as harmful as worshiping it.

Setting and working toward financial goals builds discipline and allows us to defer our need-it-now mentality.

Financial discipline can be difficult for many people; some because they don’t believe it’s possible to save money on a limited income; others because they cannot quell their desire to possess everything they see.

Many impulsive people can’t view saving as a long-term prospect and have a hard time putting “A lot of little investments makes a lot of money” in perspective.

Yet for those who have practiced this principal, they have found it works very well.

Saving is a learned behavior. Preparing for the future requires restraint. By setting goals and working toward them, we find it’s not as hard as we thought, and it works.Saving a little at a time for the future will pay huge dividends.


“Lord, help me reign in my desire to spend when it’s not necessary. Teach me to save a little at a time and watch it grow. Amen.”

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