Sunday, July 28, 2024

 In My Time

July 28

Look up at the heavens and count the stars … so shall your offspring be.

Genesis 15:5

In the midst of doubt, Shane still knew God was there. But that didn’t bring much comfort right now. Having stepped out in faith, Shane was still awaiting the manifestation of God’s promise. “Answer this call and I will sustain you. Trust Me.”

Shane had answered the call. Yet it was going on seven months and there was no evidence of God’s provision. His financial situation was getting desperate. Bills were overdue; he was stressed out; his faith was being tested. “I can’t do this much longer, Lord!” he shouted.

Shane didn’t doubt God’s leading. Yet for him to be struggling like this didn’t make sense. It felt as if he were missing something God was trying to tell him.

“I don’t believe this is what You promised, Lord. If I’m missing something, please show me what it is.” He was completely perplexed. “I refuse to give up!” he shouted. “But I need some direction here, Lord.” Shane listened into the silence that followed. No answer came.

Deciding to wait no matter how long it took God to show up, he wearily said, “You know, Lord, I get a sense of what Abraham and Sarah must have felt like when they doubted Your promise.”

Seven months is a bit short of Abraham’s twenty-year wait; but doubt is doubt, and many of us have walked in faith with doubt as a close companion. God understands and continues to guide us, like Abraham, to a place of complete dependence on Him.

Abraham failed this test of faith by having Hagar bear Ishmael. Yet God, in His infinite mercy, kept His promise, and Sarah bore Isaac.

And so it is with us: we fail and God remains faithful.

God is looking for a heart of obedience, completely turned to Him, a heart that will wait for His perfect timing, serving as though they had already received the promise.

As we draw closer to God, we realize that great faith comes by overcoming great doubt. God says, “I have given you My promise; will you wait for it in My time?”


“Strengthen my resolve to trust You, Lord. Guide me into an unshakable faith. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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