Thursday, July 25, 2024

 Take Time to Laugh

July 25

A time to laugh …

Ecclesiastes 3:4

Lindsay walked through the front door and did a double take. Jack never leaves the house looking like this, she thought; there were dirty dishes on the kitchen counter, the stove, and in the sink. Two comforters lay haphazardly on the living room carpet, and dirty clothes littered the laundry room floor. She’d only been gone for one day! This was completely uncharacteristic of Jack. He’s got some explaining to do, she thought.

Setting aside her briefcase and hanging her coat on the wall peg, she set out to find her husband.

As she headed down the hall toward the toy room, she caught muffled laughter. Curious, she silently made her way to the room and stood outside the closed door, listening. Beth! She smiled as she recognized her youngest daughter’s squeal.

“Stop, Daddy! Quit tickling me!” Then Jenny’s laugh joined the mix, followed by Jack’s gruff voice. “The tickling continues until you both surrender!”

“We surrender! We surrender!” they said in unison.

As Lindsay listened, her heart began to melt. It thawed completely when Jenny said, “Thanks for playing with us today, Daddy! This has been the bestest day ever!” “Yeah, Daddy, the bestest!” Beth agreed.

All the irritation vanished in light of the truth: some things are more important than a spotless home.

There truly is a time for every season and activity. Housework is important; but so is laughter! Our children are only young once, and many opportunities to teach them the importance of spending time doing the right thing at the right time vanish with their youth.

When teachable moments present themselves, we must seize the opportunity to teach and instruct and not allow the moment to slip away because we were too busy being busy.

Being too rigid will find us standing on the wrong side of many issues. Not only will it bring dissention among the ranks, but our children and their children will ultimately pay the price. Lighten up and laugh a little. The work will still be there when the laughter fades.


“Lord, keep me from being too busy when it’s time to laugh. Reset the attitude of my heart so I will recognize what time it is. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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