Wednesday, July 24, 2024

 So, What Do You Think?

July 24

They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of … ignorance.

Ephesians 4:18

Gwen’s transformation from atheism to Christianity began in a local coffee bar when an engaging young man named Britt asked her, “So, what do you think is going to happen to you when you die?”

Gwen had given him the answer she’d used hundreds of times to defend her position. “I will cease to exist, end of story.”

A few espressos later, Britt had convinced Gwen to attend church with him the following Sunday. She heard the gospel message in a way that made sense. And for the first time she began to doubt her position. She began to pray and asked God to reveal Himself.

Britt challenged her to read the Bible. Within two weeks, Gwen became convinced there was a God, and she wanted to know Him. Giving her life to Christ had been life-changing. 

Having a new perspective on eternity, Gwen felt an urgency to share her newfound faith with those who had shared her ungodly skepticism. She now realized that the alternative to not asking the tough question was eternal death for those with whom she had shared her ignorance. 

Though she felt a twinge of fear each time, she refused to allow it to stop her from asking each one, “So, what do you think is going to happen to you when you die?”

Sharing our faith can be confrontational. The truth is most of us don’t like confrontation. The other side of the coin is having the knowledge we asked the question and gave someone an opportunity to say yes to Jesus. If we don’t ask them the question, who will? This is not someone else’s job.

Approximately 150,000 people die each day worldwide, many of them never knowing Christ for lack of someone asking them the tough question.

If this Jesus we follow and trust with our eternal lives is Who He says He is and Who we believe He is, how can we allow the question to go unasked?


“Lord, I know I will survive the embarrassment and discomfort of sharing my faith with unbelievers. May I find the courage to take as many people to heaven with me as I can. In Jesus’ mighty Name, amen!”

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