Monday, July 15, 2024

 A Pound of Salt

July 15

Let your conversation be … seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Colossians 4:6

Neil had been looking for ways to witness to his neighbors. So when he saw one of them using a rickety stepladder to remove a broken tree limb, he grabbed one of his sturdy work ladders and headed over to help.

“Hey, Jeff? I saw you using that old ladder and decided I couldn’t let you do that when I have a much safer one. Here, let me help.” And with that, he set up his six-foot fiberglass stepladder, positioned it where Jeff could safely reach the big limb, and said, “Go ahead, I’ll hold it for you.”

Jeff asked one of his sons to lift the end of the heavy limb to remove pressure at the cut so the saw wouldn’t bind. Neil, trying to help, told the young man how to lift the limb. When instruction failed to bring the desired results, Neil grabbed the limb and held it aloft, showing the young man what he’d meant.

The limb was removed and dragged away. Neil took his ladder and returned home, believing he had just shared the love of Christ.

Two days later, he met the son while walking, and when he spoke, the boy did not answer. Disturbed, he asked what the problem was. The young man admitted he had been embarrassed when Neil had taken over.

Neil had done the opposite of what he had intended.

Too much salt tastes worse than none. Our best intentions, if not carefully considered, can bring harm. Neil’s offer of the ladder, though well-intended, exuded arrogance.

In his spontaneity, he hadn’t thought out how best to approach the opportunity. His desire to help was good, but he was ill advised in taking control of circumstances. Instead of a dash of salt, he dumped out the whole shaker.

Our actions need filtered through the question, How will what I do affect others?

What we do in the Lord’s name is meant to have a profound, positive effect. We must take care to season and not saturate.


“Lord, I never want to offend where I intend to show people Your love. Help me listen for Your guidance instead of rushing in ahead of You. Amen.”

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