Monday, September 2, 2024

 Proven Character

September 2

We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Romans 5:3, 4

Cody was a C- and D student in his freshman and sophomore years of high school. The university he was applying to required a 2.8 GPA for enrollment. His cumulative 2.4 wasn’t going to get him in. But someone had watched Cody change over the past two years, and he believed in him. 

He wrote a letter to the dean of admissions, enlightening him with regard to Cody’s accomplishments and his 3.24 GPA in his final two years of school. He asked that the university take into consideration this change of behavior when determining whether this young man should be given an opportunity to prove himself at their institution.

To their credit, they allowed Cody to enroll at their branch campus, promising that a 2.8 GPA in his first year of studies would make him eligible for transfer to the main campus the following semester. To his credit, Cody carried a 3.1 GPA that first year and was allowed to transfer. He graduated with a 3.45 GPA, a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and a minor in criminal law.

Cody is reminiscent of those who for one reason or another have applied themselves in their latter years. Sadly, many who make these positive changes are never reaffirmed.

But unlike our peers, God doesn’t see us as unfit because we made poor choices in our early years. He is pleased that the changes take place. Cody was fortunate that someone saw the change taking place in him and believed it to be genuine.

God also wants to champion our cause, to stand up for us in the face of opposition. Abba Father wants us to know that He sees us. He knows the truth and urges us to persevere by overcoming hopelessness. He wants us to know and feel the satisfaction of positive change in our lives. He whispers, “It is possible to build character at any point during your life.” We need only choose to believe and follow His lead.


“Lord, please raise up advocates for those who are genuinely trying to make a better life. Bind those who would stand against them and restore hope to the hearts of Your people. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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