Monday, September 9, 2024

 A Language of Faith

September 9

I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois.

2Timothy 1:5

Grandma Doris never liked hearing the words shut up. She said they hurt her ears and her heart. So when Grandma Doris was around, you said, “hush” or “be quiet.” If she heard anything else, you were in for a major scolding!

Grandma Doris emigrated from England in 1904, at the tender age of seven. She brought with her all her worldly possessions and an already deep faith in Jesus Christ. She married Grandpa Earnest, a preacher, and together they passed on the inherent traits of a pioneer: press ahead in kindness and never look back in regret. 

The legacy passed on by Grandma Doris was given to her by her father and his father before him. In the lineage of both Grandma Doris and Grandpa Earnest there is a history of profound faith in Jesus Christ. For at least six generations before and the two since, there have been preachers and lay leaders serving God, great men and women of faith.

Grandma Doris’s death left a hole in people’s hearts but not their faith. That heritage lives on and is testament to what was important to Grandma Doris: loving Jesus and using words to edify and not impair the lives of those we meet.

It seems like such a simple thing, teaching children the value of using kinder language rather than harmful words. But it’s in the simple things that we discover our true character.

How we treat others, such as which words we use, speaks volumes of who we are and what we believe. Harsh language says we are not concerned about how we gain the results we are seeking.

Paul wrote to Timothy in regard to testifying with power. He said to testify in love and self-discipline, letting God do the convicting.

Too many times our society uses words with shock value to make a point. Paul tells us that kind words, full of grace, will accomplish the task. We are to testify of Jesus’ love and do it in a language of faith passed on from generation to generation.


“Lead me to speak kindly in faith, Lord. May I always testify to Your love with words of grace. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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