Wednesday, September 18, 2024

 Complete Rest

September 18

Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write: Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on … they will rest from their labor … ”

Revelation 14:13

“Can you imagine never having to deal with temptation again?” Phil asked incredulously. “It’s almost inconceivable. But that’s exactly what Jesus means when he says, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. Come and share in your master’s happiness!’”

Phil was speaking at a teen conference, enlightening them on benefits of living a sanctified life. “That means never feeling the need to give in to torment, never feeling the allure of premarital sex, never having to say no to drugs because there won’t be any!”

“Do you really believe that?” one young man challenged. “I mean, like, we’re really gonna live without temptation of any kind?” His skepticism was shared by many nodding heads.

“Yes, I do believe it!” Phil said with a passion and assurance that transcended their doubt. “Jesus said it, and I believe Him! If you believe anything Jesus said, you have to believe it all.” 

He gave them a moment to digest that and then said, “Jesus said, ‘Great is your reward in heaven.’ Complete peace is part of the reward for living for Jesus! Don’t you see it?” He had them thinking. “To live for Him here, saying no to evil and yes to righteousness, means when we live with Him there, it will really be heaven!”

Temptation has a way of making us believe we need what it’s selling...right now! But Jesus asks us to defer short-term self-satisfaction so that we may enjoy His long-term eternal reward.

It’s not easy saying no when giving in would feel good for a while. And that’s the catch: it only feels good for a while and then come the consequences.

To consecrate our life to Christ is not to say we will never fail. It means we care enough to die to ourselves.

To refuse is to say we don’t believe in or want what Jesus says is waiting for us: complete and utter peace.

Jesus said, “They will rest from their labor.” Labor means work. The opposite of work means never having to fight against evil ever! Live for His rest!


“Help me say no when temptation is near, Lord Jesus. Thank You for Your promise of complete rest. Amen.”

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