Monday, September 23, 2024

 Poor in Christ

September 23

But the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.

Matthew 8:20

Napoleon was neat, clean, and well dressed. But upon closer inspection, you’d have found that his clothes, although clean and pressed, were threadbare and meticulously hand patched from within, hiding small holes.

He drove a nondescript sedan with worn tires and duct tape holding the driver-side mirror in place. Napoleon had been a teacher of music, music being his second love, Jesus his first.

Napoleon tuned pianos most evenings. He was an interesting man, knowledgeable and well spoken, yet modest, and was often heard to say, “Oh, I just can’t wait!” and when asked for what, he’d say, “Well, for the day I see Jesus! Don’t you know?”

I’m not sure where Napoleon lived, but I am sure it was a modest home, nothing extravagant. You see, not too many people knew of what his love for Jesus and others led him to do. His meager stipend as a teacher paid his bills; his piano-tuning money paid others’ bills.

Napoleon was filled with goodwill; he couldn’t seem to give enough to assuage the desire of his heart. As I said, not too many people knew of his generosity, for it had all been done anonymously. I’m sure that’s why there were only six people at his graveside service. To him it wouldn’t have mattered; he wouldn’t have wanted accolades he felt were meant for Another.

Jesus had no material ties to this world, and for good reason. He knew the work He had to do before His death must be void of distractions.

Napoleon felt the same way. He was a simple man who’d taken literally what Jesus had said about the cost of following.

Are there things we hang onto a little too tightly, that if asked to give up we might hesitate?

Jesus didn’t say we had to be poor to follow Him; He did say we had to be ready to let go of things upon request and to listen for requests.

Do we have any needless distractions? Blessings held on to cease to be blessings. Are there areas in our lives in which Christ would have us become poor?


“What I have, You provided. Is there anything You would have me give away for You or learn to use more in a kingdom way? Amen.”

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