Monday, September 16, 2024

 Can I Talk to Nannaw?

September 16

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Matthew 5:8

The little girl climbed into her father’s lap as he sat reading the newspaper. His startled look didn’t faze her in the least; she was on a mission. 

“Daddy, can Nannaw hear me when I pray?” 

Daddy was thinking of how to respond and what to tell her, not really knowing if God allows views from the portals of heaven, when she broke his concentration once again, excitedly saying, 

“I know she can, ‘cause Babbaw Nelson said he would keep watch over me when he went to be with Jesus. So if he can see me from up there, then Nannaw can hear me! Babbaw said so!”

There is something pure in a child’s faith. When they are taught by someone they trust, they believe. 

As we age, there is a real danger of becoming cynical. We can lose the purity of heart we once enjoyed as a child. We use phrases like, “That’s so childish” or “Now that I’m older,” to rationalize our mature yet awkward relationship with God. 

Purity is a matter of the heart, not age. Our hearts end up jailed as we lose that childlike trust. Over time, other things crowd out our innocence, and the world comes crashing in upon our unprotected heart. 

“But,” Jesus said, “take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

Our hearts can be reclaimed! It requires a decision to turn things over to Christ, seeking help in dealing with the accusing whispers of the enemy while reaching up in childlike faith. 

When we cry out to see God, listening in the ensuing quiet, He is revealed to us. The return from cynical maturity to a pure heart is possible. God wants to be seen by us. Would you believe?


“Papa God, I cry out to you in my pain with a childlike innocence. Please reveal to me your restoring power, the power that can give me my heart back. Lead me into healing and peace. Send someone to help me walk this out because I can’t do it alone. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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