Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 That Day

September 11

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne.

Psalm 89:14

“Have you seen what’s happening?” Mark asked Collette over the phone.

“Yes, we have the TV on, and I can see the smoke on the horizon. What’s going on, Mark? Who would do something like this?” she asked as they watched smoke billow from the Twin Towers. Mark from his office in Midtown, she from Queens. Then came the news that the Pentagon had been hit. Anger mixed with fear brought the unbidden question: How many planes do they have?

There was so much confusion that day—citizens running away from the chaos, first responders running into burning buildings.

Life changed that day as people looked on with a mixture of horror and fascination.

And in the time it took for those acts of terrorism to unfold, a nation resolved to pursue with determination those responsible.

In the ensuing years, there has been waning support; life has resumed; many have forgotten the reality of that day. But the question of that day still lingers: where were You that day, God?

On September 11, 2001, our innocence was forever soiled. That day when the towers fell; that day when brave men and women gave their lives; that day when children became orphans; that day when evil appeared to have won; that day when we had an overwhelming need to know … where were You, God?

He was there, reaching down in love to comfort those who were suffering in the planes and the towers, the Pentagon, and on Flight 93; He was there, leading brave men and women into burning buildings while others were running for their lives; He was there, receiving each of His children who made that journey into eternity; He was there, catching the tears of every man, woman, and child overcome with fear and uncertainty.

We live in a world where everyone has free will; bad things happen to good and bad people alike.

Where was God on that day? Where He was the day His Son died and has always been—on His throne. And someday soon He will judge the nations. On that day, justice will reign.


“O Lord, may we never lose sight of You just because evil has threatened our faith. We stand secure in the knowledge that You are always here and that we are not alone. Amen.”

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