Thursday, September 19, 2024

 Evil’s Insidious Nature

September 19

When an evil spirit comes out of a man … it says, “I will return to the house I left … then it takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself … ”

Matthew 12:43, 44

Peter had never seen anything like this. A pastor for over twelve years, he believed in and had dealt with demonic influence. This was different.

Carol had been involved in the occult but had, at some point, denounced the lifestyle and began attending church. Recently, something had changed. She was exhibiting different personalities; they would come and go, schizophrenic in nature.

Carol’s husband had worked with Peter before he’d entered the ministry, so it seemed only natural to ask for his help. “Pete, I don’t know what to do. Carol’s acting crazy. She sits and rocks, then jumps up and runs around screaming unintelligibly. Can you help?”

Peter agreed to counsel Carol. That agreement began a month-long spiritual war unequaled by anything in his past.

Each time he spoke with Carol she manifested different personalities. One refused to hold a Bible, screeching wildly when Peter held one near her. Others cursed violently or attacked Peter physically. One even caused Carol to run from the sanctuary during praise and worship, screaming obscenities. Over a difficult, battle-ridden month, Peter discovered she had revisited the occult. Eventually, Peter brought each demon under Jesus’ authority and cast them out.

Clear eyed, Carol sought to fill the cleansed places of her heart through the Holy Spirit’s instruction.

Today’s story, though names have been changed, is true. Demonic influence is real. But Satan wants you to think it’s all fairytale and make-believe.

We were born into a world of evil, and its nature is to insidiously destroy as many lives as it can. And whether we choose to believe in this evil or not determines the effect it will have on us.

By choosing to deny evil’s existence, we give Satan and his minions the freedom to destroy with blatant disregard to Jesus’ warning in Scripture.

We have been given authority over the enemy. But we must believe he is real before we can engage him in battle.


“Lord, show me the truth of spiritual warfare. Implant in my heart courage to face this evil and, in Your power, deny it room. Amen.”

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