Thursday, September 5, 2024

 Intellect or Wisdom?

September 5

A rich man may be wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has discernment sees through him.

Proverbs 28:11

J.D. Artweller had amassed a fortune. His holdings included three of the high-rise structures visible along Chicago’s skyline, one of which housed the eighty-second floor, corner office he was sitting in. He held partnership in two banks and owned the local ALS team. Nobody really knew the true extent to which he was involved.

“Martha!” Artweller hollered at his receptionist. “Is Flanerty here yet?” … ”Time is money,” he grumbled to himself.

“Yes, Mr. Artweller,” Martha answered.

“Then send him in!” came his clipped command.

She smiled across her desk at J.D.’s 2:30 appointment, hoping to alleviate any tension her boss’s crassness might be causing.

J.D. didn’t seem to care about people other than what they could do to increase his holdings. Embarrassed for the man, she said apologetically, “You may go in now, Mr. Flanerty.”

She needn’t have been worried. John Flanerty wasn’t fazed by Artweller’s demeanor. He’d had dealings with J.D. in the past. He knew him to be a very lonely man beneath the rough-barked exterior, and had determined when he’d first met J.D. to show him unconditional kindness by treating him in such a way that it would be in keeping with the nature of Jesus. Perhaps those seeds would sprout and choke out the bitterness entangling his heart.

For reasons unknown to most of us, there are people who have been wounded so deeply that they have turned to the god of wealth for their validation. They hold the misconception that accumulated riches equates to great wisdom. But there is a distinct difference between great wisdom and intellectual and financial cunning. And those who are discerning know the difference, they see right through the J.D.s of the world.

Matthew 6:24 says, “You cannot serve both God and money.” This world and everything in it is God’s. When we greedily hoard stuff or money we set our hearts against God. To be rich and wise in our own eyes is to be lost. Not just in thought or position, but in spirit. There are no riches worth such cost.


“Help me to not be possessive of what You’ve given me, Lord. Guide my heart to distribute Your wealth where it will do the most good. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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