Wednesday, September 4, 2024

 Once Upon a Time

September 4

O Lord, open his eyes so he may see.

2 Kings 6:17

“Tell me a bedtime story, Daddy!” squealed Jennifer Rose.

“Okay, but just a short one,” Dale said as he lay his daughter in her bed. “Let’s see,” he began. “There once was a little girl who had a great big guardian angel. One day, as the little girl walked along a path beside a swift-flowing creek, she slipped in the mud, falling headlong into the water. Now, the water was deep and the current was strong! The little girl screamed ‘Help! Help!’ as she struggled against the current. She stroked with all her might, pulling herself closer and closer to the edge of the creek.

Unseen by the little girl, her guardian angel gently pushed her with his huge hand, nudging her toward safety until finally she reached the bank.

Well, that little girl clawed her way onto dry ground; thankful God had heard her cry. She raced home and told her mother about her harrowing experience!

Relieved that her daughter was safe, the mother scolded her for running off on her own. She warned the little girl to never go near the creek alone!

The little girl said, ‘I’m sorry, Mommy,’ then added, ‘But I’m never alone. My guardian angel is always with me! He’s the one who saved me!’

Her mother answered, ‘That’s nice, honey. Now go get changed.’ And the little girl lived happily ever after.

Okay, end of story, time to go to sleep.” He kissed Jennifer on the forehead and turned out the light.

Most bedtime stories are make-believe and fictional, the equivalent of a fairy tale. But what about today’s story? Do we believe, like the little girl, that angels are watching over us in the heavenly realm? Are there otherworldly warriors fending off the enemy as we journey through life? Do we believe, as the Bible declares, that the air around us is filled with a raging battle?

Or do we, like the world, believe that it’s just a good story in an outdated book?

We either believe it or we don’t. There is no middle ground. So what do we believe? Truth or fairy tale?


“Reveal the truth to those who doubt in the heavenly realm, Lord. Like Elisha’s servant, open their eyes. Amen.”

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