Friday, September 6, 2024

 Soldiers of Love

September 6

As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.

Isaiah 66:13

J.J. had juvenile diabetes. His father pricked his little, four-and-a-half-year-old finger to see if he needed an insulin injection, a process that was repeated four times each day. J.J.’s mom was in charge of making sure he ate the right foods at the right times.

Blindsided two years ago by the diagnosis, Aaron and Megan had managed to make the necessary adjustments, ensuring their son would lead as normal a life as possible.

A professional musician, Aaron was on the road much of the time. Home for a few days, he loved spending time with the kids.

In a recent interview, he’d been asked how Megan managed the home with him on the road so much. “I head home if there’s a crisis,” he’d said wryly. “But meeting J.J.’s everyday needs falls to Megan. She’s a real trooper! Up at seven every morning, she tests J.J.’s blood sugar and fixes breakfast accordingly. She balances the demands of J.J.’s daily routine while Kaylie, our three-month-old, vies for her attention. Megan never gets a day off and never complains.” 

He summed up his thoughts. “Moms are soldiers of love. They’re the ones who handle the continuously changing needs.” He added, “Dads are the warriors; we kill the giants. But moms? Moms are forever! When our kids get sick or fall and skin their knees, there’s only one person they want. And it’s not me! I respect my wife. I could never do what she does.”

Mothers are a special breed. They faithfully go the extra mile without thought of compensation. If you tried to reward them, they would be offended.

Men may be the spiritual leaders of the household, but mothers are the glue that bonds the family together. It is said, “A father will go to war for his children; a mother will die.”

Jesus compared a mother’s love to His own. There is no greater compliment than to be compared to the Savior of the world. And the epitome of His love is revealed in the touch of a mother. They truly are soldiers of love.


“Thank You, Lord, for mothers, for their compassion, tenderness, self-sacrifice, and thank You for creating them to love like Jesus. Amen.”

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